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Let’s check out what were the most important news and trends on the crypto market in November.
These were the most important developments in crypto in November 2023.
Binance’s 4.3 billion USD court settlement rocked the crypto market in November. The largest centralized crypto exchange in the world reached a settlement with US regulators regarding accusations of providing non-regulated services to US customers, enabling potential money laundering, and the financing of terrorist groups. The exchange agreed to pay a massive 4.3 billion USD fine and improve it’s anti-money laundering compliance. Also, Binance’s CEO pleaded guilty to the listed charges and stepped down from his role in the company. This news clearly shows that the time is up for non-regulated crypto exchanges and that the way forward for the industry is regulatory compliance.
Bitcoin ETFs have been the talk of the industry for several months now after various major investment firms filed for BTC ETFs in the US. The ETF filings are now expanding to Ethereum Spot ETFs filed by Fidelity and BlackRock. As for the approval of these ETF applications, the US Securities and Exchange Commission has delayed its final decision on the matter from the 21st of November to early 2024. It remains to be seen whether BTC ETFs will get approved in the US, but if they do, many analysts predict a huge possible inflow of capital into the crypto market.
After winning its years long court battle against the SEC, Ripple has been witnessing a considerable recovery in XRP coin value, along with a rapid business expansion. The Grayscale investment fund has recently highlighted Ripple as a potential alternative to the international SWIFT transaction system, thanks to XRP’s ability to facilitate fast and cheap cross-border transactions. Also, Ripple has just bought Metaco, a Swiss digital asset custody provider a gained the attention of the HSBC Bank. It seems that Ripple is decisive on growing its position in the 300 trillion USD cross-border payments market.
This content does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice or any other type of advice and should not be considered as such; zondacrypto does not recommend buying, selling or owning any cryptocurrency. Investing in cryptocurrencies involves a high degree of risk. There is a risk of losing invested funds due to changes in cryptocurrency exchange rates.
Travel Rule in zondacrypto pay
The Travel Rule is a new set of guidelines designed to ensure the security of funds for entities transferring ...
Cryptocurrencies and the operation of the financial system
Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are the fuel that drives today's technological and financial reality. Digital ...
Bitcoin – was it the first decentralised project?
Bitcoin is a revolution that has permanently changed the financial landscape. However, before it was announced to ...
How the ZND platform is redefining cryptocurrency trading
How does the ZND platform solve the problems of the crypto world? It's time to lower the barriers to entry and ...
ZND Earn — build passive income on a secure and compliant platform
Crypto investors always have their eyes wide open for innovative ways to maximise returns and generate passive ...
Unlocking the power of ZND token – your guide to tiered benefits
This comprehensive guide will explore the tiered benefits system of ZND tokens and introduce you to the ...
Grow your account with the ZND Loyalty Programme
A Loyalty Programme will be launched on the ZND Platform as early as the end of 2024. This is a huge range of ...
How does the ZND Affiliate Programme work?
Today, we would like to tell you about the Affiliate Programme.
Learn about the ZND platform features
Check out our comprehensive article to understand interesting features of the ZND platform.
The problem of Byzantine Generals – discussion
Long before the advent of Bitcoin in 1982, a theorem was developed to consider making a common, unified decision ...
Turing completeness – what is it, and how does it work?
What do gas, the Ethereum Virtual Machine and Turing completeness have in common? It turns out – a lot. Check out ...
What is asymmetric cryptography?
Blockchain is based on asymmetric cryptography. Learn about its solutions and its benefits. Read the article ...
What are blockchain forks?
In blockchain, the community can decide about the future of a particular network. In specific cases, a split ...
What are the benefits of completing the KYC procedure?
Registering does not mean that your account is verified. Find out what functionalities you have access to at each ...
What is the Ethereum Virtual Machine?
The Ethereum network was launched in 2015, and since then, its popularity has allowed it to position itself as ...
DeFi – discover decentralised finance!
Decentralised finance is an alternative digital space where you can use your virtual assets to perform a variety ...
Complete adoption of cryptocurrencies – what would need to happen?
What would have to happen for cryptocurrencies to become as popular as e-mail, for example? Check out the article ...
The mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto – what do we know about him?
As the adoption of cryptocurrencies progressed, the figure of Satoshi Nakamoto became more and more iconic – but ...
Mining – we explain in simple terms!
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Layers in a blockchain – overview
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zondacrypto at Next Block Expo as a main sponsor
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zondacrypto will be the main sponsor of the Tech of Tomorrow
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zondacrypto and Katarzyna Niewiadoma on the big screen
As part of zondacrypto's first cinema campaign, a 30-second commercial featuring our ambassador Katarzyna ...
Arthur Leclerc Becomes zondacrypto Ambassador
zondacrypto, a leading European cryptocurrency exchange, has partnered with Monegasque racing driver Arthur ...
Tomasz Pawlik at the 6th event at the zondacrypto Education Center
The meetings at the zondacrypto Education Center offer a chance to gain free knowledge in a friendly atmosphere, ...
zondacrypto becomes strategic partner of the 9th Congress and 4th SBP Gala
This marks the 9th edition of the Sport Biznes Polska Congress and the fourth consecutive SBP Gala. These ...
Share ZND with friends & family – ZND available to buy on Crypto Voucher
We’re excited to announce our partnership with Crypto Voucher.
ZND listing on Gate.io!
ZND is taking a major step forward in its growth and is proud to announce that it will soon be listed on Gate.io, ...
ZND Loyalty Program Airdrop – 100,000 ZND in the Pool!
We are launching a new airdrop! This time, our main focus is on active participation in the ZND Loyalty Program ...
Join us at the 5th meeting at the zondacrypto Education Center!
This is the 5th meeting at our zondacrypto Education Center – a place where we share knowledge about ...
3.20 Advanced Chart Analysis Techniques
Read about advanced chart analysis techniques.
3.19 Trading strategies based on technical analysis
In today's dynamic world of financial markets, especially in the context of the rapidly growing cryptocurrency ...
3.18 Candlestick patterns that every trader should know
In technical analysis, candlestick charts are one of the most important tools that traders use to analyze price ...
3.17 Price patterns, that every trader should know
List of price patterns that every trader should know.
3.12 Scaling Graphs
Learn about scaling graphs in crypto.
3.11. Recognizing price patterns
Learn and interpret price patterns on charts.
3.05 Chart settings
In this lesson, we will focus on various aspects of chart settings that are key to successful technical analysis.
3.08. Time interval analysis (1m, 5m, 1H, 1D, 1W)
Learn about time interval analysis.
3.07 Reading opening, closing, maximum and minimum prices
Learn about reading opening, closing, maximum and minimum prices.
3.06 Reading price charts
In this lesson, we will focus on learning the basic elements of price charts and developing the ability to ...
Financemagnates: zondacrypto añade el AS Monaco a su creciente cartera deportiva
Tras los exitosos acuerdos con la Juventus FC y el Atalanta BC, zondacrypto se asocia con el AS Monaco. Esto supone un paso más en la construcción de una estrategia global que une el deporte y las finanzas modernas.
Insidersport: El AS Monaco Basket se alía con zondacrypto para la euroliga
En virtud del nuevo acuerdo de colaboración, el logotipo de zondacrypto aparecerá en las camisetas del AS Monaco Basket, destacando el creciente papel de las criptodivisas en el deporte profesional. La colaboración pretende inspirar y promover soluciones financieras innovadoras.
Pezcyclingnews: Katarzyna Niewiadoma en el nuevo anuncio del patrocinador zondacrypto
Katarzyna Niewiadoma, una de las mejores ciclistas del mundo, se convierte en embajadora de zondacrypto. Esta colaboración pone de relieve la estrategia de la plataforma de fusionar los mundos del deporte y las finanzas modernas.
Sportsmintmedia: El AS Monaco Basket se asocia con zondacrypto para disputar la Euroliga
zondacrypto, una plataforma de criptomoneda líder en Europa, ha sido nombrada socio principal del AS Monaco Basket para la competición de euroliga. El logotipo de la empresa figurará en las camisetas del equipo, y la asociación pretende tender un puente entre el mundo de las finanzas modernas y el deporte de alto nivel.
Fútbol y criptomonedas: Un traspaso de jugador completado con criptodivisas gracias a zondacrypto
El club polaco Raków Częstochowa ha completado por primera vez el traspaso de un jugador con criptodivisas. La transacción tuvo lugar gracias a la plataforma zondacrypto, que se adentra con audacia en el mundo del deporte
Monacotribune: zondacrypto se convierte en el socio principal del AS Monaco Basket en la Euroliga
zondacrypto refuerza su presencia en el mundo del deporte al convertirse en el socio principal del AS Monaco Basket para la temporada de la Euroliga. El logotipo de la criptobolsa figurará en las camisetas de los jugadores, destacando la misión compartida de fusionar la innovación financiera con la pasión por el baloncesto.
Quotidianosportivo: Skorupski sulla partnership con zondacrypto - “Rimanere concentrati sarà fondamentale. È la mentalità che determinerà il risultato sul campo”
El portero cree que la mentalidad del equipo será crucial para los resultados futuros. La nueva asociación con zondacrypto tiene como objetivo apoyar el desarrollo futuro del club.
Qe.magazine: La Fundación Princesa Charlene de Mónaco recibe 67.000 euros de zondacrypto
A través de una gala benéfica, zondacrypto donó 67.000 euros a la Fundación Princesa Charlene de Mónaco. Los fondos se recaudaron gracias a artículos únicos donados por prestigiosos clubes deportivos. Esta iniciativa pone de relieve los valores de zondacrypto relacionados con la educación, el deporte y el compromiso social.
BolognaFC: zondacrypto se convierte en el nuevo socio principal y socio oficial de criptointercambio del Bologna FC 1909
zondacrypto se convierte en el nuevo Top Partner y Official Crypto Exchange Partner del Bologna FC 1909 para la temporada 2024/2025. Esta asociación pone de relieve la ambición de la empresa de unir el mundo del fútbol con el creciente mercado de las criptomonedas, ofreciendo tecnologías de vanguardia y seguridad de primer nivel.
Sportparma: zondacrypto invierte en el Parma. El patrocinador aparecerá en los kits de entrenamiento
zondacrypto, una plataforma con más de 1,3 millones de usuarios en todo el mundo, anuncia una nueva asociación con el Parma Calcio. Este es un paso más hacia el fortalecimiento de la marca en el fútbol y la promoción de las criptomonedas entre los aficionados al deporte italiano.
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