Our heart beats for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation! zondacrypto at the 33rd Grand Finale

Our heart beats for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation! zondacrypto at the 33rd Grand Finale

As a sports patron, we’ve proven time and again that we know how to work as a team. But being part of this team feels especially easy for us – zondacrypto once again participated in the 33rd Grand Finale, in which we raised as much as 553,511.90 PLN!

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Our heart beats for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation! zondacrypto at the 33rd Grand Finale
Dernières actualités sur les crypto-monnaies
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Another round of the Special Pool’s results is here!

How to positively affect a token price and create a long-term holding culture? We found a way.  Lately, we introduced the Special Pool, and now we want to share another round of results with you!

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Another round of the Special Pool’s results is here!
19 / 2 / 25
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Vérification KYC dans l'application mobile zondacrypto

Le KYC est un processus de vérification d'identité qui permet d'assurer la sécurité sur l'échange zondacrypto. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'une procédure importante, elle n'est pas particulièrement compliquée. Dans cet article, nous allons vous expliquer en détail comment la réaliser dans notre application mobile.

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Vérification KYC dans l'application mobile zondacrypto
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Travel Rule compliant exchanges and wallets

The cryptocurrency market is still adjusting to the Travel Rule – a new regulation, also known as TFR, which officially came into effect on December 30, 2024. What should you keep in mind when using an exchange like zondacrypto which has already adapted to the new rules?

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Travel Rule compliant exchanges and wallets
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Our heart beats for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation! zondacrypto at the 33rd Grand Finale

As a sports patron, we’ve proven time and again that we know how to work as a team. But being part of this team feels especially easy for us – zondacrypto once again participated in the 33rd Grand Finale, in which we raised as much as 553,511.90 PLN!

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Our heart beats for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation! zondacrypto at the 33rd Grand Finale
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14 / 2 / 25

We remove several markets (19.02.25)


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We remove several markets (19.02.25)

Entrez dans le monde des crypto-monnaies avec la nouvelle application zondacrypto !

*La version iOS n'est pour l'instant disponible qu'en : Belgique, Canada, République tchèque, Estonie, France, Italie, Pologne, Slovaquie, Suisse, Ukraine, Portugal i Espagne