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Αγόρασε και πούλησε κρυπτονομίσματα από οπουδήποτε

Η έξυπνη εφαρμογή μας για νέους και προχωρημένους traders

Δημιούργησε δωρεάν λογαριασμό

Δέξου πληρωμές σε κρυπτονομίσματα

Άνοιξε την επιχείρησή σου σε νέες ευκαιρίες και χρησιμοποίησε την πύλη πληρωμών zondacrypto pay

Δέξου πληρωμές σε κρυπτονομίσματα

Κέρδισε προσκαλώντας φίλους στο zondacrypto

Μπορείς να λάβεις έως και 80% προμήθεια

Γίνε μέλος του προγράμματος συνεργατών

Συμμόρφωση με τον νόμο

Λειτουργούμε σε πλήρη συμμόρφωση με τον νόμο, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των κανονισμών MiCA και της εσθονικής νομοθεσίας.


Φροντίζουμε για την ασφάλεια των χρηστών και των κεφαλαίων τους – είναι η προτεραιότητά μας.


Πάνω από 1,3 εκατομμύρια χρήστες εμπιστεύονται το zondacrypto. Κάθε μέρα πραγματοποιούμε σχεδόν 180 χιλιάδες συναλλαγές.

Γνώρισε το μέλλον του trading!

Η εφαρμογή zondacrypto 2.0 είναι πλέον διαθέσιμη!

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Ξεκίνησε σε 5 βήματα

1 Δημιούργησε λογαριασμό

Καταχώρισε και επαλήθευσε τη διεύθυνση email και τον αριθμό τηλεφώνου σου. Θα λάβεις από εμάς ένα μήνυμα με κωδικό επαλήθευσης. Τέλος, όρισε έναν ισχυρό κωδικό πρόσβασης για τον λογαριασμό σου.
Phone Placeholder

2 Επαλήθευσε την ταυτότητά σου

Η επαλήθευση ταυτότητας KYC είναι μια τυπική διαδικασία σε κάθε ρυθμιζόμενο ανταλλακτήριο κρυπτονομισμάτων. Διασφαλίζει την ασφάλεια των συναλλαγών – τόσο για τους αγοραστές όσο και για τους πωλητές. Μετά την επιτυχή επαλήθευση, μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις πλήρως όλες τις λειτουργίες του ανταλλακτηρίου. Η διαδικασία διαρκεί μόνο λίγα λεπτά!
Phone Placeholder

3 Προστάτεψε τον λογαριασμό σου με έλεγχο ταυτότητας δύο παραγόντων

Αυτό το βήμα είναι πλέον απαραίτητο για τη χρήση των υπηρεσιών zondacrypto. Επίλεξε μία από τις μεθόδους 2FA που προσφέρουμε για να προστατέψεις όσο το δυνατόν καλύτερα την πρόσβαση στον λογαριασμό σου. Μία από τις προτεινόμενες μεθόδους είναι η χρήση του δωρεάν Google Authenticator, που θα σε βοηθήσει να προστατέψεις καλύτερα τα χρήματα και τα προσωπικά σου δεδομένα.
Phone Placeholder

4 Κατάθεσε χρήματα

Επίλεξε το παραδοσιακό νόμισμα (PLN, EUR, USD) ή το κρυπτονόμισμα στο οποίο θέλεις να καταθέσεις χρήματα. Μπορείς να πραγματοποιήσεις κατάθεση μέσω χρεωστικής/πιστωτικής κάρτας ή τραπεζικού εμβάσματος, είτε με παραδοσιακό είτε με άμεσο τρόπο.
Phone Placeholder

5 Ξεκίνησε το trading κρυπτονομισμάτων

Συνδέσου στον λογαριασμό σου και ξεκίνα να επενδύεις. Στην ιστοσελίδα μας θα βρεις blog posts και μαθήματα της Ακαδημίας, που θα σε βοηθήσουν να δημιουργήσεις ένα εντυπωσιακό crypto portfolio.
Phone Placeholder

Ακολούθησε τα τελευταία μας νέα

28 / 2 / 25

Share ZND with friends & family – ZND available to buy on Crypto Voucher

We’re excited to announce our partnership with Crypto Voucher.

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Share ZND with friends & family – ZND available to buy on Crypto Voucher
27 / 2 / 25

ZND listing on Gate.io!

ZND is taking a major step forward in its growth and is proud to announce that it will soon be listed on Gate.io, ...

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ZND listing on Gate.io!
25 / 2 / 25

ZND Loyalty Program Airdrop – 100,000 ZND in the Pool!

We are launching a new airdrop! This time, our main focus is on active participation in the ZND Loyalty Program ...

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ZND Loyalty Program Airdrop – 100,000 ZND in the Pool!
25 / 2 / 25

Join us at the 5th meeting at the zondacrypto Education Center!

This is the 5th meeting at our zondacrypto Education Center – a place where we share knowledge about ...

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Join us at the 5th meeting at the zondacrypto Education Center!
24 / 2 / 25

First Polish driver in the Lamborghini team becomes a zondacrypto ambassador

Szymon Ładniak, one of the most promising Polish racing drivers, who has just joined the Lamborghini Engstler ...

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First Polish driver in the Lamborghini team becomes a zondacrypto ambassador
19 / 2 / 25

Another round of the Special Pool’s results is here!

How to positively affect a token price and create a long-term holding culture? We found a way.  Lately, we ...

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Another round of the Special Pool’s results is here!
19 / 2 / 25

KYC Verification in the zondacrypto mobile app

KYC is an identity verification process that helps ensure security on the zondacrypto exchange. While it is an ...

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KYC Verification in the zondacrypto mobile app
18 / 2 / 25

Travel Rule compliant exchanges and wallets

The cryptocurrency market is still adjusting to the Travel Rule – a new regulation, also known as TFR, which ...

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Travel Rule compliant exchanges and wallets
16 / 2 / 25

Our heart beats for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation! zondacrypto at the 33rd Grand Finale

As a sports patron, we’ve proven time and again that we know how to work as a team. But being part of this team ...

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Our heart beats for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation! zondacrypto at the 33rd Grand Finale
14 / 2 / 25

We remove several markets (19.02.25)


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We remove several markets (19.02.25)
12 / 2 / 25

As something begins, something ends – PRO mode will be removed soon

At zondacrypto, we are constantly setting trends, which means that some things must be left behind. On February ...

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As something begins, something ends – PRO mode will be removed soon
11 / 2 / 25

The 4th event at the zondacrypto Education Centre is just around the corner!

Every event outshines the one before it and this time will be no different – all thanks to an amazing speaker and ...

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The 4th event at the zondacrypto Education Centre is just around the corner!

Financemagnates: zondacrypto adds AS Monaco to growing sports portfolio

After successful partnerships with Juventus FC and Atalanta BC, Zondacrypto is now collaborating with AS Monaco. ...

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Financemagnates: zondacrypto adds AS Monaco to growing sports portfolio

Insidersport: AS Monaco Basket joins forces with zondacrypto for euroleague

Under the new partnership agreement, zondacrypto’s logo will appear on AS Monaco Basket’s shirts, highlighting ...

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Insidersport: AS Monaco Basket joins forces with zondacrypto for euroleague

Pezcyclingnews: Katarzyna Niewiadoma in new ad for sponsor zondacrypto

Katarzyna Niewiadoma, one of the world’s top cyclists, becomes a zondacrypto ambassador. This collaboration ...

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Pezcyclingnews: Katarzyna Niewiadoma in new ad for sponsor zondacrypto

Sportsmintmedia: AS Monaco Basket secure partnership with zondacrypto for euroleague competition

zondacrypto, a leading European cryptocurrency platform, has been named the main partner of AS Monaco Basket for ...

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Sportsmintmedia: AS Monaco Basket secure partnership with zondacrypto for euroleague competition

Football and cryptocurrencies: A player transfer completed with cryptocurrency thanks to zondacrypto

Polish football club Raków Częstochowa has completed its first-ever player transfer using cryptocurrency. The ...

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Football and cryptocurrencies: A player transfer completed with cryptocurrency thanks to zondacrypto

Cryptodaily: ZND Expands Ecosystem with Special Pool Rewards, New Tradable Assets, and Holiday Campaigns

ZND dynamically expands its licensing network, acquiring licenses in Estonia, Canada, and Italy, while continuing ...

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Cryptodaily: ZND Expands Ecosystem with Special Pool Rewards, New Tradable Assets, and Holiday Campaigns

Sportparma: zondacrypto invests in Parma. The sponsor will be featured on the training kits

zondacrypto, a platform with over 1.3 million users worldwide, announces a new partnership with Parma Calcio. ...

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Sportparma: zondacrypto invests in Parma. The sponsor will be featured on the training kits

Qe.magazine: Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation receives €67 000 from zondacrypto

Through a charity gala, €67,000 was donated by zondacrypto to the Princess Charlene Foundation of Monaco. Funds ...

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Qe.magazine: Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation receives €67 000 from zondacrypto

Quotidianosportivo: Skorupski on the partnership with zondacrypto - "Staying focused will be crucial. It's the mindset that will determine the outcome on the field."

Goalkeeper believes that the team's mindset will be crucial for future results. The new partnership with ...

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Quotidianosportivo: Skorupski on the partnership with zondacrypto -

Forbes Italia: Giorgio Chiellini becomes the brand ambassador of zondacrypto

Giorgio Chiellini is the new brand ambassador of zondacrypto. As part of the collaboration, Chiellini not only ...

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Forbes Italia: Giorgio Chiellini becomes the brand ambassador of zondacrypto

HeShootsHeScoores: The rink in Davos will now have a new name – the “zondacrypto-Arena”

zondacrypto forms a new partnership with the Davos ice hockey team, becoming their sponsor, and their arena ...

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HeShootsHeScoores: The rink in Davos will now have a new name – the “zondacrypto-Arena”

Monacotribune: zondacrypto becomes the main partner of AS Monaco Basket in the EuroLeague

zondacrypto strengthens its presence in the sports world by becoming the main partner of AS Monaco Basket for the ...

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Monacotribune: zondacrypto becomes the main partner of AS Monaco Basket in the EuroLeague

Monacolife: zondacrypto becomes AS Monaco Basketball’s main partner for EuroLeague campaign

AS Monaco Basketball and zondacrypto join forces to push boundaries - both on the court and in the world of ...

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Monacolife: zondacrypto becomes AS Monaco Basketball’s main partner for EuroLeague campaign

PEZ Cycling news: CANYON//SRAM Racing signs zondacrypto as new title sponsor

CANYON//SRAM Racing has partnered with zondacrypto, which will bring even more innovation to women’s cycling. The ...

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PEZ Cycling news: CANYON//SRAM Racing signs zondacrypto as new title sponsor

Wszystkoconajważniejsze: Eastern European company, European ambitions

zondacrypto is using the upcoming MiCA regulations to strengthen its position in Western Europe, becoming one of ...

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Wszystkoconajważniejsze: Eastern European company, European ambitions

Financemagnates: Exclusive - Przemyslaw Kral Reveals How zondacrypto Turned Sports into recipe for Success

zondacrypto combines the world of sports with cryptocurrency, creating an innovative space that attracts ...

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Financemagnates: Exclusive - Przemyslaw Kral Reveals How zondacrypto Turned Sports into recipe for Success

ASMFC: Crypto Gala in Monaco celebrates zondacrypto's key achievements and partnerships in Monaco

The zondacrypto Gala in Monaco was more than just an unveiling of the new ZND token—it was a step towards ...

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ASMFC: Crypto Gala in Monaco celebrates zondacrypto's key achievements and partnerships in Monaco

Forbes Italia: What is zondacrypto, the cryptocurrency platform behind the sponsorship of Juventus and the Giro d’Italia?

zondacrypto is a platform that has revolutionized the cryptocurrency market, offering users a simple and secure ...

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Forbes Italia: What is zondacrypto, the cryptocurrency platform behind the sponsorship of Juventus and the Giro d’Italia?

Forbes Italia: Giorgio Chiellini, ambassador of zondacrypto - "Cryptocurrencies are the future"

zondacrypto, in collaboration with Giorgio Chiellini, opens the door to the future of cryptocurrency investments. ...

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Forbes Italia: Giorgio Chiellini, ambassador of zondacrypto -

Atalanta: zondacrypto is becoming more and more closely connected with Atalanta

The new partnership with Atalanta marks another important step for zondacrypto, which focuses on innovative ...

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Atalanta: zondacrypto is becoming more and more closely connected with Atalanta
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