Lae alla meie zondacrypto
rakendus ja alusta investeerimist kohe!!
For beginners
If you associate the word 'mining' with coal extraction, this course is for you. Learn the elementary vocabulary of the crypto world.
Investment basics
Looking to buy cryptocurrencies or already own some? We give you tips on how to invest your funds wisely.
Charts and their analysis
After this course, no chart will surprise you. Learn how to read them and what popular indicators mean.
Crypto regulations
Crypto is a young industry. Institutions in various corners of the world are trying to shape it with regulations. Stay up to date with them.
Crypto security
Don’t let your investments be put at risk by careless online behavior. This course will teach you how to stay safe in the crypto world.
Psychology in trading
Coming soon
Soovitatud materjal
1.03 Cryptocurrency adoption - chances and challenges
This module will help you understand the formation of the cryptocurrency phenomenon. It will explain digital asset adoption and how it works, using interesting examples.
1.01 This is why you can no longer ignore cryptocurrencies
1.01 This is why you can no longer ignore cryptocurrencies
Here are a few reasons for you to start with the zondacrypto Academy and take your crypto knowledge to the next level.
1.02 What are cryptocurrencies?
1.02 What are cryptocurrencies?
In this lesson, you will learn about the basics of cryptocurrencies.
1.03 Cryptocurrency adoption - chances and challenges
1.03 Cryptocurrency adoption - chances and challenges
This module will help you understand the formation of the cryptocurrency phenomenon. It will explain digital asset adoption and how it works, ...
1.04 Cryptocurrencies vs fiat money: similarities and differences
1.04 Cryptocurrencies vs fiat money: similarities and ...
In this lesson, you will understand both the similarities and the differences between cryptocurrencies and fiat money.
1.05 Cryptocurrency coins vs tokens: what is the difference?
1.05 Cryptocurrency coins vs tokens: what is the difference?
This lesson explains the differences between crypto coins and tokens.
1.06 Storing crypto: how and where?
1.06 Storing crypto: how and where?
In this lesson, we explain how and where to store cryptocurrencies.
1.07 Understanding crypto wallet terms
1.07 Understanding crypto wallet terms
In this lesson, we take a deep dive into crypto wallet terms like public and private keys, wallet address, and seed phrase.
1.08 Best practices to keep your crypto safe
1.08 Best practices to keep your crypto safe
This lesson provides you with valuable tips and tricks to keep your cryptocurrencies safe.
Me kasutame küpsiseid isikupärastatud kasutajakogemuse pakkumiseks zondacrypto platvormil - Rohkem infot
Teatud küpsised on meie kodulehel kohustuslikud. Need on vajalikud teie seadete salvestamiseks zondacrypto kasutamise ajal (nt privaatsus- või keeleseaded), et kaitsta platvormi rünnakute eest. Te saate neid tagasi lükata, blokeerida või kustutada, kuid see ei mõjuta oluliselt teie kogemust selle kodulehe kasutamise ajal ega muuda isegi mõne meie teenuse kasutamise võimatuks. Loe lähemalt.
Me kasutame küpsiseid ja sarnaseid tehnoloogiaid, et koguda andmeid selle kohta, kuidas külastajad meie veebisaite kasutavad ja vastavalt vajadustele muuta meie teenuseid paremaks. Küpsiseid kasutatakse ka meie veebisaidi üldise tõhususe mõõtmiseks. Kogu teave, mida need küpsised koguvad, on koondatud ja seega anonüümne. Nende küpsiste ja tehnoloogiate blokeerimine ei mõjuta meie teenuseid, kuid muudab meie jaoks keeruliseks kasutajate kasutuskogemuse parandamise. Loe lähemalt.