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Osta kohezondacrypto at Next Block Expo as a main sponsor
Our March calendar is bursting at the seams, but we couldn’t miss out on NBX. It’s already the 5th edition of the ...
zondacrypto will be the main sponsor of the Tech of Tomorrow
This is the second edition of Tech of Tomorrow – a unique conference that merges together the business and ...
zondacrypto and Katarzyna Niewiadoma on the big screen
As part of zondacrypto's first cinema campaign, a 30-second commercial featuring our ambassador Katarzyna ...
Arthur Leclerc Becomes zondacrypto Ambassador
zondacrypto, a leading European cryptocurrency exchange, has partnered with Monegasque racing driver Arthur ...
Tomasz Pawlik at the 6th event at the zondacrypto Education Center
The meetings at the zondacrypto Education Center offer a chance to gain free knowledge in a friendly atmosphere, ...
zondacrypto becomes strategic partner of the 9th Congress and 4th SBP Gala
This marks the 9th edition of the Sport Biznes Polska Congress and the fourth consecutive SBP Gala. These ...
Share ZND with friends & family – ZND available to buy on Crypto Voucher
We’re excited to announce our partnership with Crypto Voucher.
ZND listing on Gate.io!
ZND is taking a major step forward in its growth and is proud to announce that it will soon be listed on Gate.io, ...
ZND Loyalty Program Airdrop – 100,000 ZND in the Pool!
We are launching a new airdrop! This time, our main focus is on active participation in the ZND Loyalty Program ...
Join us at the 5th meeting at the zondacrypto Education Center!
This is the 5th meeting at our zondacrypto Education Center – a place where we share knowledge about ...
3.20 Advanced Chart Analysis Techniques
Read about advanced chart analysis techniques.
3.19 Trading strategies based on technical analysis
In today's dynamic world of financial markets, especially in the context of the rapidly growing cryptocurrency ...
3.18 Candlestick patterns that every trader should know
In technical analysis, candlestick charts are one of the most important tools that traders use to analyze price ...
3.17 Price patterns, that every trader should know
List of price patterns that every trader should know.
3.12 Scaling Graphs
Learn about scaling graphs in crypto.
3.11. Recognizing price patterns
Learn and interpret price patterns on charts.
3.05 Chart settings
In this lesson, we will focus on various aspects of chart settings that are key to successful technical analysis.
3.08. Time interval analysis (1m, 5m, 1H, 1D, 1W)
Learn about time interval analysis.
3.07 Reading opening, closing, maximum and minimum prices
Learn about reading opening, closing, maximum and minimum prices.
3.06 Reading price charts
In this lesson, we will focus on learning the basic elements of price charts and developing the ability to ...
Travel Rule in zondacrypto pay
The Travel Rule is a new set of guidelines designed to ensure the security of funds for entities transferring ...
Cryptocurrencies and the operation of the financial system
Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are the fuel that drives today's technological and financial reality. Digital ...
Bitcoin – was it the first decentralised project?
Bitcoin is a revolution that has permanently changed the financial landscape. However, before it was announced to ...
How the ZND platform is redefining cryptocurrency trading
How does the ZND platform solve the problems of the crypto world? It's time to lower the barriers to entry and ...
ZND Earn — build passive income on a secure and compliant platform
Crypto investors always have their eyes wide open for innovative ways to maximise returns and generate passive ...
Unlocking the power of ZND token – your guide to tiered benefits
This comprehensive guide will explore the tiered benefits system of ZND tokens and introduce you to the ...
Grow your account with the ZND Loyalty Programme
A Loyalty Programme will be launched on the ZND Platform as early as the end of 2024. This is a huge range of ...
How does the ZND Affiliate Programme work?
Today, we would like to tell you about the Affiliate Programme.
Learn about the ZND platform features
Check out our comprehensive article to understand interesting features of the ZND platform.
The problem of Byzantine Generals – discussion
Long before the advent of Bitcoin in 1982, a theorem was developed to consider making a common, unified decision ...
Financemagnates: zondacrypto lisab AS Monaco oma kasvavasse spordipartnerluste portfelli
Pärast edukat lepingute sõlmimist Juventus FC ja Atalanta BC-ga sõlmib zondacrypto koostööleppe AS Monacoga. See on järjekordne samm ülemaailmse strateegia ülesehitamisel, mis ühendab spordi ja kaasaegse finantssektori.
Insidersport: AS Monaco Basket ja zondacrypto ühendavad jõudusid Euroliiga hooajaks
Uue koostöölepingu raames ilmub zondacrypto logo AS Monaco Basketi vormidele, rõhutades virtuaalvääringute kasvavat rolli profispordis. Koostöö eesmärk on inspireerida ja edendada uuenduslikke finantslahendusi
Pezcyclingnews: Katarzyna Niewiadoma uue zondacrypto reklaami jaoks
Üks maailma parimaid naistippealrattureid, Katarzyna Niewiadoma, on saanud zondacrypto saadikuks. See koostöö toob esile vahetusplatvormi strateegia ühendada sport ja uus finantsmaailm
Sportsmintmedia: AS Monaco Basket sõlmis partnerluse zondacryptoga Euroliiga hooajaks
zondacrypto, juhtiv Euroopa virtuaalvääringute platvorm, on nimetatud AS Monaco Basketi peamiseks partneriks Euroliiga hooajaks. Ettevõtte logo tuleb meeskonna vormile ning koostöö eesmärk on ühendada kaasaegne finantsmaailm ja tippsport
Jalgpall ja virtuaalvääringud: Mängija üleminek virtuaalvääringus tänu zondacryptole
Poola jalgpalliklubi Raków Częstochowa viis läbi oma ajaloo esimese mängija ülemineku, kasutades virtuaalvääringuid. Tehing sai teoks tänu zondacryptole, mis teeb tugevat sisenemist spordimaailma.
Monacotribune: zondacrypto saab AS Monaco Basket Euroliiga hooaja peamiseks sponsoriks
zondacrypto tugevdab oma positsiooni spordimaailmas ja saab AS Monaco Basket Euroliiga hooaja peamiseks sponsoriks. Vahetusplatvormi logo ilmub mängijate vormidele, rõhutades nende ühist missiooni ühendada rahandusinnovatsioon ja kirg korvpalli vastu.
Quotidianosportivo: Skorupski partnerlusest zondacryptoga - "Keskendumine on võtmetähtsusega. Meeskonna mõtteviis määrab mängu tulemuse."
Väravavaht usub, et meeskonna mõtteviis on tulevaste tulemuste jaoks ülioluline. Uus partnerlus zondacryptoga on suunatud klubi edasise arengu toetamisele.
Qe.magazine: Monaco Princess Charlene Foundation saab zondacryptolt 67 000 eurot
Heategevusgala kaudu annetas zondacrypto Princess Charlene Foundationile 67 000 eurot. Raha koguti tänu unikaalsetele esemetele, mille olid annetanud mainekad spordiklubid. See algatus tõstab zondacrypto väärtusi, mis on seotud hariduse, spordi ja sotsiaalse kaasatusega.
BolognaFC: zondacrypto saab Bologna FC 1909 uueks tipppartneriks ja ametlikuks virtuaalvääringute vahetusplatvormiks
zondacrypto saab Bologna FC 1909 uueks tipppartneriks ja ametlikuks virtuaalvääringute vahetusplatvormiks hooajaks 2024/2025. Partnerluse eesmärk on ühendada jalgpall kasvava virtuaalvääringute turuga, pakkudes tipptasemel tehnoloogiaid ja turvalisust.
Sportparma: zondacrypto investeerib Parmasse – sponsor ilmub treeningvormidele
Üle 1,3 miljoni kasutajaga platvorm zondacrypto teatab uuest partnerlusest Parma Calcio klubiga. See on järgmine samm brändi tugevdamiseks jalgpallis ja virtuaalvääringute tutvustamiseks Itaalia spordifännidele.
Promoted Currencies
Reef is a DeFi platform built on Polkadot that aims to provide and facilitate trade between different blockchains. It is aimed at both newbies and current DeFi users who find it difficult to keep up with the best investment strategies. The project also wants to deal with high network fees on the Ethereum blockchain, which, according to some users, makes DeFi protocols expensive and complicated to use.
Reef was founded by Denko Mancheski. Its motivation was to remove technical barriers to entry for retail investors wishing to engage in DeFi - and to offer a simple decision-making process that takes into account the user's risk appetite. The project offers include a profit engine and intelligent liquidity aggregator.
Me kasutame küpsiseid isikupärastatud kasutajakogemuse pakkumiseks zondacrypto platvormil - Rohkem infot
Teatud küpsised on meie kodulehel kohustuslikud. Need on vajalikud teie seadete salvestamiseks zondacrypto kasutamise ajal (nt privaatsus- või keeleseaded), et kaitsta platvormi rünnakute eest. Te saate neid tagasi lükata, blokeerida või kustutada, kuid see ei mõjuta oluliselt teie kogemust selle kodulehe kasutamise ajal ega muuda isegi mõne meie teenuse kasutamise võimatuks. Loe lähemalt.
Me kasutame küpsiseid ja sarnaseid tehnoloogiaid, et koguda andmeid selle kohta, kuidas külastajad meie veebisaite kasutavad ja vastavalt vajadustele muuta meie teenuseid paremaks. Küpsiseid kasutatakse ka meie veebisaidi üldise tõhususe mõõtmiseks. Kogu teave, mida need küpsised koguvad, on koondatud ja seega anonüümne. Nende küpsiste ja tehnoloogiate blokeerimine ei mõjuta meie teenuseid, kuid muudab meie jaoks keeruliseks kasutajate kasutuskogemuse parandamise. Loe lähemalt.