Lae alla meie zondacrypto
rakendus ja alusta investeerimist kohe!!
entriesSize: 8
differTime: 0.007
Each zondacrypto user can create additional balance in the currency of choice. It is possible by going to “Wallets” menu and using “+” button. When creating a new balance, we can give it preferred name and then we can split funds between balances of the chosen currency. Every user has one balance for each currency by default. On each currency market …
To make a quick transaction, go to the "Exchange" tab and choose "Quick transaction". Next type in the amount of cryptocurrency you want to buy/sell or the amount which you want to spend/receive. After clicking "Buy" or "Sell" the system will begin executing your order starting with the most favourable offers. A Taker provision will …
Buying or selling cryptocurrency using "Place an order" option most of the time ensures making a transaction with a calculated "Maker" commission. After logging into your zondacrypto account under the graph, you'll find a panel with few options of buying/selling cryptocurrencies …
Find here different methods for deposit and withdrawal
After logging into the exchange panel, you will see the chart. The chart cointains elements such as time and rate level, selection of a time range (from 1 minute to 1 year), tools and selection of a view which interests you. At the top of the chart you can see the determinations such as Open (O), High (H), Low (L), Close (C) and Volume (20). …
Every time once you are making a transaction (buying or selling cryptocurrency) at zondacrypto we charge you with a transaction fee. Fee depends on a turnover on your zondacrypto account over the last 30 days. The fee is diversified depending on whether the user places a new order on the exchange or uses an existing one …
If you want to buy or sell digital currency immediately - select the **Quick transaction** option. Then you only indicate the amount you want to spend/receive, and the system will automatically use the best of the orders (at the most favourable exchange rate) and exchange funds for the digital currency you indicated. …
Stop order is used to trigger a market sell when the market drops to your trigger price or used to trigger a market buy if the market rises to your trigger price. If shorting, a trader would place a stop buy above the current price. This would mean that if the market goes against their short (up) they can cut their losses …
entriesSize: 8
differTime: 0.001
Me kasutame küpsiseid isikupärastatud kasutajakogemuse pakkumiseks zondacrypto platvormil - Rohkem infot
Teatud küpsised on meie kodulehel kohustuslikud. Need on vajalikud teie seadete salvestamiseks zondacrypto kasutamise ajal (nt privaatsus- või keeleseaded), et kaitsta platvormi rünnakute eest. Te saate neid tagasi lükata, blokeerida või kustutada, kuid see ei mõjuta oluliselt teie kogemust selle kodulehe kasutamise ajal ega muuda isegi mõne meie teenuse kasutamise võimatuks. Loe lähemalt.
Me kasutame küpsiseid ja sarnaseid tehnoloogiaid, et koguda andmeid selle kohta, kuidas külastajad meie veebisaite kasutavad ja vastavalt vajadustele muuta meie teenuseid paremaks. Küpsiseid kasutatakse ka meie veebisaidi üldise tõhususe mõõtmiseks. Kogu teave, mida need küpsised koguvad, on koondatud ja seega anonüümne. Nende küpsiste ja tehnoloogiate blokeerimine ei mõjuta meie teenuseid, kuid muudab meie jaoks keeruliseks kasutajate kasutuskogemuse parandamise. Loe lähemalt.