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Wie können wir Ihnen helfen?
zondcrypto pay provides the EUR currency for settlement – it is possible to express the value of the payment gateway in this currency. We also support multiple currencies virtually. A partner can generate a payment gateway expressing the value of a product in a virtual currency of their choice, but the value will be automatically calculated to the default currency based on the current average daily NBP’s (National Bank of Poland) exchange rate of the previous day.
Settlement currencies: EUR
Virtual supported currencies: CZK, KRW, PLN, DKK, AUD, GBP, TRY, NOK, CHF, HUF, MXN, UAH, SEK, USD, BRL, CAD, JPY
Default currency: EUR
Settlement currency - it is possible to express the value of the payment gateway in this currency, thus we provide a balance in this currency and it is possible to order a withdrawal of funds from this balance to a bank account,
Virtual currency - a currency supported only virtually, if the gateway is expressed in it, the purchase value will be calculated to the default currency,
Default currency - the currency to which virtual currencies are caculated.