Lae alla meie zondacrypto
rakendus ja alusta investeerimist kohe!!
To make cryptocurrency deposit or withdrawal choose the „Balances" section from the menu on the left and then select the currency. After that you will see:
To make a deposit in EUR, go to the Balances tab in the main menu available on the left side of the site. Next, select the EUR currency. Now payment data to which transfer should be made will be shown. Please remember to copy the payment data carefully, especially payment title – it is necessary that we successfully receive sent funds.
Remember! You can withdraw funds via bank transfer only to the account from which you have already made a deposit!
To make a deposit in PLN, go to the Balances tab in the main menu on the left side of the site.
Next, select the PLN currency. You will then see the payment data to which the transfer should be made.
Please remember to copy the payment data carefully, especially the payment title – it is necessary that we successfully receive the sent funds.
Remember! You can withdraw funds via bank transfer only to the account from which you have already made a deposit!
If you have not yet made a deposit to verify your bank account, please deposit a minimum of 10 PLN directly from your bank account. After crediting funds, you will be able to withdraw money via bank transfer.
To make a withdrawal in PLN, go to the Balances tab in the main menu available on the left side of the site.
Next, select the PLN currency and the Withdraw option.
Then, enter the amount to be withdrawn and the bank account number.
Finally, just confirm your withdrawal.
Funds in cryptocurrencies are added to balances on zondacrypto Pay service immediately after receiving required amount of confirmations from the network.
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differTime: 0.001
Me kasutame küpsiseid isikupärastatud kasutajakogemuse pakkumiseks zondacrypto platvormil - Rohkem infot
Teatud küpsised on meie kodulehel kohustuslikud. Need on vajalikud teie seadete salvestamiseks zondacrypto kasutamise ajal (nt privaatsus- või keeleseaded), et kaitsta platvormi rünnakute eest. Te saate neid tagasi lükata, blokeerida või kustutada, kuid see ei mõjuta oluliselt teie kogemust selle kodulehe kasutamise ajal ega muuda isegi mõne meie teenuse kasutamise võimatuks. Loe lähemalt.
Me kasutame küpsiseid ja sarnaseid tehnoloogiaid, et koguda andmeid selle kohta, kuidas külastajad meie veebisaite kasutavad ja vastavalt vajadustele muuta meie teenuseid paremaks. Küpsiseid kasutatakse ka meie veebisaidi üldise tõhususe mõõtmiseks. Kogu teave, mida need küpsised koguvad, on koondatud ja seega anonüümne. Nende küpsiste ja tehnoloogiate blokeerimine ei mõjuta meie teenuseid, kuid muudab meie jaoks keeruliseks kasutajate kasutuskogemuse parandamise. Loe lähemalt.