Lae alla meie zondacrypto
rakendus ja alusta investeerimist kohe!!
In order to enable multi-user access to your zondacrypto pay account choose „Website” section from the menu on the left side and then go to „Permissions”.
In order to change your e-mail address or username that is assigned to your account, please write to us via [email protected]. Remember to include your current account username and attach a selfie photo on which you hold a document confirming your identity used during account verification and a piece of paper with a handwritten current date.
Remember that the account username and e-mail address should be different. We also advise you to use strong passwords. A strong password should at least consist of 8 characters and must contain a number of different characters such as upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. Each platform that you use should have a different password that has nothing in common with the username used. We also recommend using a password manager app.
If you do not remember the password to your account, use the "Login problems" option when logging in. Then enter your account username (not email address) and check your email - if you enter the correct username, a message will be sent to reset your password.
If you forget your account username, please write to us via: [email protected]. Remember that your message must be sent from the email address assigned to your account and a selfie photo with an identity document used during account verification with a piece of paper with a handwritten current date.
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Me kasutame küpsiseid isikupärastatud kasutajakogemuse pakkumiseks zondacrypto platvormil - Rohkem infot
Teatud küpsised on meie kodulehel kohustuslikud. Need on vajalikud teie seadete salvestamiseks zondacrypto kasutamise ajal (nt privaatsus- või keeleseaded), et kaitsta platvormi rünnakute eest. Te saate neid tagasi lükata, blokeerida või kustutada, kuid see ei mõjuta oluliselt teie kogemust selle kodulehe kasutamise ajal ega muuda isegi mõne meie teenuse kasutamise võimatuks. Loe lähemalt.
Me kasutame küpsiseid ja sarnaseid tehnoloogiaid, et koguda andmeid selle kohta, kuidas külastajad meie veebisaite kasutavad ja vastavalt vajadustele muuta meie teenuseid paremaks. Küpsiseid kasutatakse ka meie veebisaidi üldise tõhususe mõõtmiseks. Kogu teave, mida need küpsised koguvad, on koondatud ja seega anonüümne. Nende küpsiste ja tehnoloogiate blokeerimine ei mõjuta meie teenuseid, kuid muudab meie jaoks keeruliseks kasutajate kasutuskogemuse parandamise. Loe lähemalt.