Téléchargez notre application zondacrypto
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Pour que vous puissiez retirer des fonds du bureau de change zondacrypto, l’authentification de votre compte doit avoir atteint le niveau 2.
Il est important de noter que vous ne pouvez effectuer des retraits que sur un compte authentifié.
Authentifiez votre compte bancaire pour déposer les fonds indiqués sur votre compte. Pour ce faire, effectuez un dépôt minimum de 10 EUR/GBP/PLN/USD sur votre solde.
We use cookies to personalise your experience on zondacrypto - More info
As the name suggests, certain cookies on our websites are necessary. They are necessary for the storage of your settings during the use of zondacrypto (e.g., privacy or language settings) to protect the platform against attacks. You can reject, block or delete them, but this will not impact significantly your experience during the use of this website or even make it impossible to use some of our services. See details
We use such cookies and similar technologies for collecting information while users browse our website to learn more about how it is used and improve our services as necessary. Cookies are also used for measuring the general efficiency of our website. The data generated by them are used on an aggregate and anonymous basis. Blocking these cookies and tools will not affect our services, but will make it difficult for us to improve the experience of their users. See details