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These Regulations replace the provisions of the Regulations of the Contest announced on May 13, 2024. The Organizer of the Contest stipulates that only the provisions relating to participation in the contest have been changed
to allow a larger number of Customers to participate,
to supplement the list of social media profiles on which Participants can participate,
to extend the time of publication of Contest posts
and to limit the Contest tasks to make it easier for Participants to take part in the Contest.
These changes were made solely for the benefit of Participants.
The following provisions have been changed - § 1 point 5-7, § 2 point 1, § 3 point 1, § 4 point 1, § 4 point 4 and § 9 point 7 - 8 of the Regulations. Other provisions remain unchanged.
Regulations of the Contest
"zondacrypto x Giro d'Italia - Social Media Contest"
(version 2.0.)
§ 1
General Provisions
These regulations set out the rules of participation, including listing the conditions that must be met to take advantage of the Contest "zondacrypto x Giro d'Italia - Social Media Contest" (hereinafter referred to as the " Contest").
The Contest is organized by: BB Trade Estonia OÜ with its registered office in Harju maakond, Tallinn, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Tähesaju tee 9, 1391 Estonia (office number 10), registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs under number 14814864, being the operator of zondacrypto Exchange (hereinafter as the " Organizer" or the “ Contest Organizer”).
The tasks of the Contest Organizer are to supervise the course of the Contest on an ongoing basis, including, in particular, whether there is a risk of a violation of the Contest rules established by these Regulations in connection with the course of the Contest.
The Organizer also uses in these Contest Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the " Regulations”) definitions consistent with those contained in the regulations available at https://zondacrypto.com/en/legal/zonda-exchange, including:
zondacrypto Exchange Terms and Conditions of Service ( https://zondacrypto.com/en/legal/zondacrypto-exchange/terms-and-conditions-of-service);
Terms and Conditions of the Promotion "zondacrypto Welcome Bonus - Giro d’Italia 2024" ( https://zondacrypto.com/en/legal/terms-and-conditions-of-the-promotion-zondacrypto-welcome-bonus-giro-d-italia-2024)
to which it hereby refers in this regard.
The Contest is held in connection with a sports event - Giro d’Italia 2024, which takes place in Italy from May 4 to May 26, 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the “ Event”), as part of the Organizer's promotional activities taking place during this Event and includes participants in the Organizer's Promotion - "zondacrypto Welcome Bonus - Giro d’Italia 2024" (hereinafter referred to as the “ Promotion”) and all zondacrypto Customers with a previously registered and verified Customer Account on the zondacrypto platform.
The venue of the Contest is the following social media: Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), Telegram (hereinafter referred to as " social media"), on indicated below profiles/channels belonging to the Organizer under the name “ zondacrypto Italia”/ “ zondacrypto Italy”, “ zondacrypto Polska” and “ zondacrypto” and also on the ZND Platform profile on “X”- Twitter (links to the profiles/channels on the social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557761751023 and https://www.facebook.com/zondacryptopolska ;
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zondacrypto_italia/ and https://www.instagram.com/zondacrypto/;
X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/zondacryptoITA, https://x.com/zondacryptopl, https://x.com/zondacrypto and https://x.com/ZND_co;
Telegram: https://t.me/zondacryptoItaly).
The Contest is aimed at users of the aforementioned social media, who have registered and verified their Customer Account on the Organizer’s platform https://www.zondacrypto.com (hereinafter as the " Organizer Platform") under the Terms and Conditions of the Promotion "zondacrypto Welcome Bonus - Giro d’Italia 2024" or other zondacrypto Customers with a registered and verified Customer Account on the zondacrypto platform.
The Organizer emphasizes that the Contest is not created, administered, or sponsored by the aforementioned social media.
The Contest Organizer is the sole founder of the Contest Prizes.
The Contest does not constitute a random lottery.
The Organizer will cover tax liabilities arising from the Prize, subject to the tax legislation in force in the country of residence of the Winner.
§ 2
Participation in the Contest
The Contest is intended for natural persons - users of the above-mentioned social media, who are adults (18 years of age or older), and have a registered and verified Customer Account on the Organizer Platform, both existing zondacrypto Customers and those who registered and verified the Account under the Terms and Conditions of the Promotion "zondacrypto Welcome Bonus - Giro d’Italia 2024" (Terms and Conditions of the Promotion available on the Organizer Platform: https://zondacrypto.com/en/legal/terms-and-conditions-of-the-promotion-zondacrypto-welcome-bonus-giro-d-italia-2024).
Only a person who has an active profile/account in the above-mentioned social media, in accordance with the rules of each of the social media (Facebook, Instagram, X, Telegram), may become a participant in the Contest (hereinafter referred to as " Participant").
The Participant of the Contest is a person who has fulfilled all the requirements of the Contest Task, as indicated in § 4 of these Regulations, in total and also has an active and verified account on the Contest Organizer's platform (subject to § 2 point 1 above).
By completing the registration and verification of the Customer Account on the Organizer Platform, as indicated in § 2 point 1 above, it is understood that the Participant has an account on the Organizer's Platform and successfully completes the authentication process (KYC) by correctly passing all its stages. As the authentication process may last longer than the moment of the end of the Event, the Organizer allows for the possibility of completing the Participant's authentication process also after the end of the Event but no later than the announcement of the winners of the Contest (unless the delay is due to circumstances for which the Participant is not responsible). The Organizer shall verify the fulfillment of the above criterion by checking whether the Participant has an active Account on the Organizer Platform. If the above requirement is not fulfilled, the Organizer reserves the right to deny the Prize to the given Participant.
The Contest can only be participated in person, and therefore it is unacceptable to make Contest entries on behalf of third parties. The identity of the Participant should correspond to the personal data indicated during the Participant's registration process on the Organizer's Platform. The Organizer reserves the right to verify the Contest Participants and, in case of reasonable doubts regarding the fulfillment of the aforementioned conditions, to possibly refuse the Participant to win the Contest on this basis.
Only self-reported answers, the author of which is the applicant (Contest Participant), can be submitted to the Contest.
Employees, members of the authorities and representatives of the Organizer and other entities directly involved in preparing and conducting the Contest, as well as persons cooperating with the above-mentioned entities on a permanent basis on a basis other than an employment relationship, and members of their immediate families, i.e. ascendants, descendants, siblings, spouses, parents of spouses and persons in an adoption relationship with them, cannot participate in the Contest.
The condition to participate in the Contest is acceptance of the content of these Regulations and willingness to participate in the Contest by making a contest entry in the form of answering a question on one of the aforementioned Organizer's social media profiles and by completing all other contest tasks, indicated in § 3 below.
The Participant who enters the Contest in accordance with the preceding paragraphs is obliged to familiarize himself with the provisions of the Regulations. Entering the Competition means accepting the terms of these Regulations.
Entering the Contest is completely voluntary and free of charge.
Participation in the Contest and the related sharing of personal data is completely voluntary, based on the Participant's consent - in accordance with § 9 point 2 (a) of these Regulations.
In the event of winning the Prize referred to in § 5 below, the Participant agrees that his/her name or nickname, used on the aforementioned social media, may be published as part of the post/announcement created by the Organizer regarding the end of the Contest and the selection of the Winner on the Organizer's profiles on the aforementioned social media.
§ 3
Duration of the Contest
The Contest runs from its announcement on the aforementioned social media as of May 13, 2024 (the time of publication of the contest posts), until May 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM CEST (6:00 PM UTC) (the end day of the Event).
Settlement of the Contest will take place within 7 working days of its conclusion, with the announcement of the Winner scheduled for June 4, 2024 at 10:00 AM CEST (8:00 AM UTC). The Winner of the Contest will be notified of his/her win on this date by publishing the winning post on the respective social media, being the venue of the Contest, through which the Participant submitted his/her entry.
Prizes will be sent / awarded to the Winners, depending on the nature of the Prize, on the following dates:
a) the Prize for 1st place - a bicycle, will be given to the Winner within 2 months of the Winner's contact with the Organizer, however, this date is subject to change due to the need for the producer Specialized Bicycles to adjust the bicycle. to the Winner, which will be communicated to the Winner if such a situation arises;
b) the Prize in the form of VIP tickets for Juventus FC matches, will be given to the Winners after Juventus FC announces dates for matches in the Autumn 2024 (season 2024/25), however, a minimum of one week before the official event (the match day), by sending tickets via email; the Winners will be informed of the matches dates as soon as the Organizer receives information from Juventus FC about the scheduled match dates;
c) the Prize in the form of the equivalent of a certain amount in EUR in stablecoins will be added to the Contest Winner's balance on the zondacrypto platform (Organizer Platform), within 1 month of the Winner’s contact with the Organizer, but no later than the end of July, 2024.
§ 4
Rules of the Contest
The Contest Task consists in the Participant's fulfillment, exclusively under one of the Contest posts placed on “zondacrypto”, “zondacrypto Polska”, “zondacrypto Italia's” or “ZND” profiles on the social media platforms (Facebook/Instagram/X - Twitter) a total of the following contest tasks:
a) answering the contest question in comment: “Share your favorite cycling story - the best stories will win”, under one of the contest posts (only one response on a selected one of the following social media profiles), publicated on the profiles:
b) tag at least 2 (two) friends in a comment under the contest post on the profile in which the Participant enters the Contest (as per § 4 point 1(a) above);
c) following the Profile of "zondacrypto Italia" on Instagram:
d) liking and reposting the contest post on the profile of "zondacrypto Italia" on Instagram:
e) following the Profile of "zondacrypto Italia" on Facebook:
f) liking and sharing the contest post on the profile of "zondacrypto Italia" on Facebook:
g) joining the zondacrypto Italia community on Telegram messenger:
h) completing all tasks from the zondacrypto x Giro d'Italia campaign on Sweep Widget and answering the question in above-mentioned Sweep Widget form:
On which platform did you submit your contest answer - Facebook, - Instagram, or X?.
The Contest is open to the public.
The Contest answers can be provided from the moment indicated in § 3 point 1 of the Regulations, however, only until 8:00 PM CEST (6:00 PM UTC) on the day the contest ends, i.e. May 26, 2024.
Answers provided after the time mentioned above will not be taken into account by the Organizer.
The correct answer is considered to be the answer to the Contest question indicated in § 4 point 1 and meeting all the contest requirements indicated in § 2, completing together the tasks indicated in § 4 point 1 of the Regulations, and doing it in accordance with the rules provided for in this section. The Participant's completion of only some of the tasks or posting the contest answer under the contest post on a profile other than one of the Organizer’s social media profiles, indicated above, may entail the Organizer's recognition of the answer provided as incorrect or incomplete.
To participate in the Contest task indicated in § 4 point 1 (h) on Sweep Widget, the Participants are required to enter the Contest only by using the email addresses and names used to open their Customer Account’s on Organizer Platform.
The Contest responses will be evaluated by the Contest Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission"), which will include representatives of the Organizer, as specified in § 7 of the Regulations.
At the end of the Contest, the Participant who provided the winning answer (selected by the Commission) to the Contest question and completed all the Contest tasks specified in § 4 point 1 of the Regulations together (hereinafter referred to as the " Winner") will be awarded one of the prizes, described in § 5 of the Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the " Prize").
The Commission will award, taking into account the entries in all the mentioned social media, 40 persons, based on the evaluation of all the Contest comments that meet the conditions of these Regulations, taking into account such criteria as: the form and manner in which Participants present their cycling-related stories, the form of presentation of his interest in cycling, the way in which the Participant's answer was formulated, content of the story and generate the Commission's attention to it.
The Participant's answer that, in the opinion of the Contest Commission, provides the most interesting and creative answer to the contest question (winning answer) wins. The decision in this regard will rest solely with the Contest Commission considering the given entries.
In selecting the Winners, the Commission shall decide at the same time on the awarding of a given Prize in the Contest to a given Winner, following the criteria indicated in the preceding sentence and verifying that he/she meets the conditions presented in § 2 and § 4 point 1 of the Regulations. Failure to meet these conditions may result in the exclusion of such Participant from the Contest and the selection of another Participant as the Contest Winner, meeting the requirements presented in these Regulations, until the pool of Prizes is used up, and also decide to forfeit the Prize to the Organizer (in the event there are no Participants meeting the conditions for awarding the Prize).
The Winners of the Contest will be announced by posting the winning post on the aforementioned social media of the Organizer, indicating the name or nickname of the Participants who provided the correct answers. When announcing the results, the Organizer will ask the Winners to contact in a private message within the social media where the announcement of the Contest results was posted and on which the Winner has submitted the winning answer. Once contact is made, the Organizer will provide further instructions in order to determine the terms of transfer of the awarded Prize referred to in § 5 of the Regulations and to verify that the Participant has fulfilled the other requirements of the Contest, including in particular having a verified account on the Organizer's Platform zondacrypto.com.
The Winner is obliged to make immediate contact with the Organizer in a private message on the social media on which the announcement of the results of the Contest was posted, no later than within 72 hours from the announcement of the results of the Contest, under pain of complete forfeiture of the right to the Prize. Failure to contact the Organizer within this timeframe, will be equivalent to the possibility of selecting another Winner, while this is reserved as a right and not an obligation of the Organizer.
The Organizer reserves the right to exclude from participation in the Contest or deprive of the right to the Prize Participants whose actions violate the law, good morals or the Regulations, in particular Participants who:
do not act personally, but through third parties;
use different accounts on the Organizer's platform to appear in on behalf of/submit the same Participant;
if third-party claims have been filed against their Contest Answer.
In order to clarify any doubts related to the Participant's activity in the Contest, the Organizer may contact the Participant using the means of communication provided by the Participant; during such contact, the Organizer may expect the Participant to provide detailed information regarding his/her participation in the Contest.
Participant, applying for participation in the Contest, declares that the Contest Answer submitted by him does not contain content that violates the law or is inconsistent with good morals, in particular does not violate the rights of third parties, does not incite violence, intolerance, does not contain vulgarities or advertising content of third parties.
Once the Organizer determines the information regarding the Contest Winners and positively verifies them against the Contest requirements, the Contest prize will be transferred to them, at the time and according to the rules indicated in § 3 point 3 and § 5 of these Regulations.
§ 5
The Prizes in the Contest are:
a) 1st place: bicycle of the brand Specialized Bicycles (model: Specialized Atheos S-Works Aethos - Dura-Ace Di2) of value 15.000 EUR, which will be individually matched to the Winner (customized in size) and with the logo of the Organizer;
b) 1st - 5th places: VIP two-person tickets to the matches of Juventus FC in Turin at Allianz Stadium (Italy) in Autumn 2024 (match dates on season 2024/25 will be indicated to Winners after Juventus FC announces them);
c) 6th - 7th places: the equivalent of the amount 500 EUR in stablecoin, granted to the Winner’s zondacrypto Customer Account;
d) 8th - 10th places: the equivalent of the amount 250 EUR in stablecoin, granted to the Winner’s zondacrypto Customer Account;
e) 11th - 15th places: the equivalent of the amount 150 EUR in stablecoin, granted to the Winner’s zondacrypto Customer Account;
f) 16th - 25th places: the equivalent of the amount 75 EUR in stablecoin, granted to the Winner’s zondacrypto Customer Account;
g) 26th - 40th places: the equivalent of the amount 50 EUR in stablecoin, granted to the Winner’s zondacrypto Customer Account.
The Organizer stipulates that the number of the Prizes may be changed in favor of the Winners (by awarding additional prizes).
Each Winner of the Contest is entitled to only one Prize.
The Prize indicated in § 5 point 1 (b) above (VIP tickets), also includes transportation to Turin for the Winners (and accompanying persons) - but only for those traveling from the European Union area, as well as the Organizer's provision of accommodation for the Winners (and accompanying persons) in a hotel located in the area where the matches will take place. At the same time, the Organizer stipulates that all other costs related to the realization of the Prize, such as cab costs, meals and other side costs are the responsibility of the Winner (and accompanying person) and he/she is not entitled to reimbursement from the Organizer in this regard.
The Organizer reserves the right to choose the airline, flight dates (or another form of transport, if more appropriate) and hotel selection for the Winner within the awarded Prize, which will be communicated to the Winner in direct correspondence with the Organizer.
The Prizes will be awarded to the Winners on the dates indicated in § 3 point 3 above, on the following terms (depending on the type of prize):
a) in the case of the material prize for 1st place (as in § 5 point 1 (a) of the Regulations) - the bicycle: the prize will be sent / released to the Winner of the contest immediately after it is received by the Organizer from the producer - Specialized Bicycles; the Organizer provides transportation of the main Prize only within the European Union territory, and if it was to be delivered outside the European Union - then the Winner will be obliged to collect the Prize in person, at a place designated by the Organizer in the European Union, where such Prize will be made available to the Winner;
b) in the case of the prizes for 1st - 5th places (as in § 5 point 1 (b) of the Regulations) - VIP tickets: the Prizes will be forwarded to the Winner by email, to the Winner's email address indicated by the Winner in his/her private contact with the Organizer, in accordance with § 4 point 10 and 11 of the Regulations;
c) in the case of the prizes for 6th - 40th places (as in § 5 point 1 (c ) - (g) of the Regulations): the Prizes will be awarded and added directly to the balances of the Contest Winners on the zondacrypto platform (on their Customer Accounts).
The Winner shall be obliged to send, within three (3) business days after the direct contact with the Organizer is undertaken, all contact information necessary for the transfer of the Prize to him/her. In the event that the above information obligation is not fulfilled within the deadline specified above, the Winner shall forfeit his/her right to the Prize. In such a case, the Organizer reserves the right to award the Prize to the next Participant, selected by the Contest Commission.
It is not possible to transfer the right to the Prize to third parties. It is not possible to pay the equivalent of the Prize.
It is possible to resign from the Prize. In the event that the Winner resigns from the Prize, the Organizer reserves the right to award the Prize to the next Participant designated by the Commission.
The Winner, in order to be eligible for the Prize indicated in § 5 point 1 (a) above - bicycle, is obliged to send in a private email message to the Organizer, as indicated by the Organizer in direct contact on social media, all contact information necessary for the transfer of the Prize to him/her in the form of:
a) Name,
b) address for shipping the Prize (and if it is within the European Union or not);
c) email,
d) phone number.
The Winner, in order to be eligible for the Prize indicated in § 5 point 1 (b) above - VIP tickets, is obliged to send in a private e-mail message to the Organizer, as indicated by the Organizer in direct contact on social media, all contact information necessary for the transfer of the Prize to him/her in the form of:
e) Name,
f) date of birth,
g) place of birth (country and city)
h) place of residence (country and city)
I) email,
j)phone number.
For all the Prizes indicated in § 5 point 1 above, the Winners will be also required to provide in a private email message to the Organizer any other data required by the Organizer, necessary to establish ownership of an account on the zondacrypto Organizer Platform, in accordance with § 2 of these Regulations.
In the event that the above information obligations (in point 9, 10 and 11) is not fulfilled by the deadline specified by the Organizer, the Winner will lose the right to the Prize. In such case, the Organizer reserves the right to award the Prize to another Participant, selected by the Contest Commission.
The Winner, as part of his/her use of the Prize, might be asked by the Organizer to prepare promotional materials regarding his/her participation in the aforementioned Event as part of his/her participation in the Prize. In such case, the Winner may agree to publish the promotional materials prepared by him/her on the Organizer's social media, thereby granting him/her a free and unlimited license to publish them as part of the promotion of such social media of the Organizer, and solely for this purpose.
§ 6
Liability of the Organizer
The Organizer shall not be responsible for the inability to transfer the Prize to the Winner and the realization of the Prize for reasons beyond the Organizer's control, including in connection with the provision of incorrect contact information, as well as in connection with force majeure events. In such a case, the Winner will be informed of the aforementioned circumstances in a private message or will be asked to contact the Organizer in a comment under the Contest post.
The Organizer is not responsible for any fortuitous events that prevent Participants from taking part in the Contest.
The Participant is solely responsible for the content of the Contest answer provided, communicated to the Organizer on social media, and in this respect releases the Organizer from any liability to third parties whose rights have been violated by publishing the solution to the contest task on its portals or by using the solution in a manner inconsistent with these Regulations.
The Winner - while participating in the Prizes indicated in § 5 point 1 (b) above (VIP tickets) - will be duly informed by the Organizer about the terms of the flight and accommodation. The Organizer is not responsible for the Winner's claims related to the Winner's expectations regarding the form of fulfillment of the Prize, including the terms of the flight or the standard of accommodation. The Winner shall be entitled to make claims on his/her own behalf directly to the entities providing such flights/accommodation, should circumstances arise regarding the terms of such flight or accommodation beyond the Organizer's control.
The Winner, while participating in the matches - in the case of the Prizes indicated in § 5 point 1 (b) above (VIP tickets) - is obliged to behave culturally and in accordance with the rules of the Stadium, according to the conditions of the Allianz Stadium VIP area, and to comply with the Allianz Stadium Regulations. The Organizer shall not be liable in any way to the Winner for the Winner's inability to use the Prize (participation in the matches) as a result of the Winner's violation of the rules indicated above or other circumstances for which the Winner is responsible.
The Organizer shall not be liable for the inability of the Participants to achieve the expected results of making transactions on the zondacrypto Organizer Platform due to reasons attributable to the Participants.
The Organizer does not provide any advice, recommendations, analysis or suggestions with respect to investing on the Organizer Platform. The Organizer is not the Participant's broker, intermediary, agent or advisor and has no fiduciary relationship or obligation to the Participant in connection with the Participant's entry into Contest or other activities performed by the Participant on the Organizer Platform in this regard.
§ 7
The Contest Commission
The proper conduct of the Contest will be supervised by a Commission appointed by the Organizer, consisting of two persons, selected by the Organizer.
The tasks of the Commission referred to in the preceding paragraph include, in particular:
Checking whether a given Participant meets all the conditions for participation in the Contest;
Determination of the Winner of the Contest;
Processing of Participant's complaints, in accordance with § 8. of the Regulations.
The Commission's decisions regarding the impartial and objective selection of the most interesting contest answer, guided by the criteria indicated in § 4 points 8 and 9 above, are definitive and cannot be subject to complaint.
§ 8
Complaints related to participation in the Contest and the Contest process, the Participant may submit electronically through the form available at: https://zondacrypto.com/en/helpdesk/contact-page.
Complaints should be submitted immediately after the occurrence of an event that raises concerns of the Participant attending in the Contest, but no later than within 7 days from the end of the Contest (for complaints sent by registered mail, the postmark date is decisive).
The complaint should contain all the information specified in the regulations found on the zondacrypto platform, available at https://zondacrypto.com/en/legal/zonda-exchange.
The complaint procedure is carried out in accordance with the procedure contained in the regulations indicated in paragraph 3 of this section.
Complaints will be considered by the Commission appointed by zondacrypto, in accordance with § 7 point 2 of the Regulations.
§ 9
Personal Data
The Controller of the personal data is BB Trade Estonia OÜ with its registered office in Harju maakond, Tallinn, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Tähesaju tee 9, 1391 Estonia (office number 10), a company under Estonian law, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs under number: 14814864 ( hereinafter as “Data Controller”).
The Data Controller processes the personal data of the Participants and the Winners of the Contest on the basis of:
consent within the meaning of Article 6(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC ( hereinafter as “GDPR”);
Fulfillment of a legal obligation incumbent on the Data Controller within the meaning of Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR to fulfill the obligation to keep accounting documents;
legitimate interest of the Data Controller in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, consisting, in particular, in responding to possible complaints, claims made as a result of this Contest.
Any data obtained by the Organizer on the Participants and the Contest Winners will be deleted or anonymized within 60 days, counting from the date of the end of the Contest or sending the Prize to the Contest Winners.
Data of Participants and Winners of the Contest will be deleted or anonymized in accordance with the preceding paragraph - with the exception of data that will be necessary to comply with legal obligations incumbent on the Data Controller and in order to fulfill the Data Controller's legitimate interest - necessary for the consideration of complaints or other form of claims submitted by Customers, Participants or Winners of the Contest, as well as for the purposes of possible judicial or administrative proceedings.
The data is protected by technical and organizational measures to ensure an adequate level of protection, in accordance with applicable regulations.
The Data Administrator shall process only the personal data provided by the Participant or Winner of the Contest. The personal data of the Contest Participants/Winners are not subject to automated decision-making for the purpose of the Contest.
For the purposes of the Contest, personal data will be shared with companies affiliated by capital and personal relations with the Data Administrator, i.e. - Orion Software sp. z o. o. and Expofer Servis House s. r. o. as well as the Operator of the ZND.co Platform (ZND.CO OÜ).
Additionally, the Data Controller may use the services of the entity (business partner) when processing Participant’s personal data - which is SweepWidget (Uptiva. Inc, DBA SweepWidget.com, 2045 W Grand Ave Ste B Unit 97916, Chicago, Illinois 60612-1577, United States), while using the link to fulfill the task in the Sweep Widget campaign, indicated in § 4 point 1 (h) of these Regulations. Currently, to a certain extent, some US entities (for entities not registered in the Data Privacy Framework) may not provide an adequate level of personal data protection due to the lack of a decision by the European Commission to determine an adequate level of personal data protection for such entities, and the Administrator may not provide adequate safeguards as set forth in Article 46 of the GDPR. Therefore, we would like to inform you that due to the lack of adequate safeguards, there could be a risk of insufficient protection of your Personal Data. In this case, the basis for the transfer of Personal Data will be your voluntary consent, in accordance with Article 49(1)(a) of the GDPR, to such processing by a third party entity.
Participants in the Contest are entitled to:
a) to request from the Data Controller access to, rectification, erasure or restriction of processing of personal data concerning the data subject, and the right to object to processing, as well as the right to data portability;
b) file a complaint with the supervisory authority - Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate, 39 Tatari, 10134 Tallinn, Estonia, if the Participant believes that his/her personal data is being processed unlawfully;
c) All requests, questions and demands related to Data processing should be addressed to the Data Protection Officer appointed by the Administrator: [email protected].
§ 10
Final Provisions
These Regulations are the only document setting out the detailed rules of the Contest.
The Regulations are available for the duration of the Contest on the Organizer's website (zondacrypto.com) and at the Organizer's headquarters.
All information about the Contest can be obtained by contacting Organizer at e-mail: [email protected].
In case of conflict between the provisions of these Regulations and Terms and Conditions of Service / Terms and Conditions of the Promotion "zondacrypto Welcome Bonus - Giro d’Italia, indicated in § 1 point 4, the provisions of these Regulations shall apply.
The Regulations in the present wording are effective as of 17th of May, 2024.