Download our zondacrypto
app and start investing now!
How can we help you?
1. Sign in to your zondacrypto account, go to the “Wallets” tab and select your “PLN” / "EUR" / "USD" wallet and “deposit” tab.
2. Then select the “ZEN” option. Confirm that you want to set up an account in ZEN and accept the terms of the Pay with ZEN service.
3. Confirm the phone number that was used to open a ZEN account.
If you want to change the phone number, follow the instructions on the screen.
4. You will see a unique code on the screen. This code is required to sync zondacrypto and ZEN accounts. It must be confirmed in the ZEN.COM app.
5. You will receive a notification from the ZEN app regarding account syncing. Confirm the operation in the application and it's ready!
The service is available to Users with level II verification and account protection by the Google Authenticator application.