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Before deciding to participate in the Contest, please carefully read the following provisions of these Regulations.
Any detailed information about the Contest, will be made available only on the official communication channels of the Organizer. We caution you not to provide your personal or other data related to your participation in the Contest to anyone not affiliated with the Organizer or who may impersonate the Organizer, including those who may communicate directly with Participants through communication channels impersonating the Organizer.
All contact with the Organizer will be made exclusively through the Platforms or by email at: [email protected] or [email protected].
Regulations of the Contest
"ZND Airdrop - Prequel Phase"
§ 1
General provisions
These regulations set out the rules of participation, including listing the conditions that must be met to participate in the "ZND Airdrop - Prequel Phase" Contest (hereinafter: "Contest").
The Contest is organized by: BB Trade Estonia OÜ with its registered office in Harju maakond, Tallinn, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Tähesaju tee 9, 1391 Estonia (office number 10), registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs under the number 14814864, which is the Operator of the zondacrypto exchange, in cooperation with ZND.CO OÜ, with its registered office in Harju maakond, Tallinn, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Tähesaju tee 9 (office number 7), 13917, Estonia (hereinafter: "Organizer" or "Contest Organizer").
The tasks of the Contest Organizer are to supervise the course of the Contest on an ongoing basis, including, in particular, determining whether there is a risk of violation of the Contest rules, as established by these Regulations, in connection with the course of the Contest.
The Organizer also uses in these Contest Regulations (hereinafter: "Regulations") definitions consistent with those contained in the regulations available at https://zondacrypto.com/en/legal/zondacrypto-exchange as well as https://znd.co/, the content of which is hereby referred to in this regard. In the event of a conflict of between the provisions of the aforementioned regulations and provisions of these Regulations, this Regulation shall prevail.
The Contest is held in connection with the Contest Organizer's event - ZND Airdrop - Prequel Phase, and a live event organized by the Organizer, under the title: LIVE ZND on August 7th, 2024 (hereinafter: "Event"), in connection with the Organizer's activities promoting such Event.
The place of the Contest is the social media profiles on social media in the form of: Facebook, X (Twitter), Telegram (hereinafter: "Social Media"), on the profiles/channels belonging to the Organizer:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zondacryptopolska;
X (Twitter): https://x.com/zondacryptopl, https://x.com/zondacrypto, https://x.com/ZND_co;
Telegram: @ZND_Official, @zondacryptopolska, @zondacryptoworld;
The Contest is aimed at users of the Social Media who:
have (or plan to have subject to § 2 point 4 of the Regulations) a registered and verified their customer/user accounts on the Organizer's platforms https://www.zondacrypto.com and https://znd.co (hereinafter: "Platforms"), or
had a registered and verified customer/user account on the Platforms before the start of the Contest.
The Organizer emphasizes that the Contest is not created, administered or sponsored by Social Media.
The Contest Organizer is the sole founder of the Contest Prizes.
The Contest does not constitute a random lottery.
§ 2
Participation in the Contest
The Contest is intended for natural persons - users of the Social Media who are of legal age (18 years of age or older) and have or plan to have a registered and verified customer/user accounts on the Platforms, taking into account § 1 point 7 of the Regulations.
Only a person with an active profile/account in the Social Media, in accordance with the rules of Social Media, may become a participant in the Contest (hereinafter: "Participant").
A Contest Participant is a person who has fulfilled all the requirements indicated in § 4 of these Regulations, and has an active and verified accounts on the Platforms, taking into account § 1 point 7 of the Regulations.
By completing the registration and verification of the customer/user accounts on the Platforms, as indicated in § 2 point 1 above, it is understood that the Participant has an account on the Platforms and successfully completed the authentication process (KYC) by correctly passing all its stages. The Organizer allows Participants to set up customer/user accounts on the Platforms and complete the Participant's authentication processes also after the end of the Contest, but no later than the moment of awarding the Prize in accordance with § 3 point 3 and § 5 of the Regulations. The Organizer will verify the fulfillment of the above criterion by checking whether the Participant has active and verified customer/user accounts on the Platforms as of the aforementioned moment. If the above requirement is not met, the Organizer reserves the right to refuse to grant the Prize to a given Participant.
The Contest can only be participated in person, therefore it is unacceptable to make Contest entries on behalf of third parties. The identity and other information about the Participant should be consistent with the data (including the personal data) indicated in the Contest and during the Participant's registration and identity verification process on the Platforms. The Organizer reserves the right to verify, including verify the identity of the Participants of the Contest (and, in particular, to verify ownership of the Wallet Address in the event that a Prize is ordered to be issued to a Wallet Address outside the Platforms), and, in case of reasonable doubts regarding the fulfillment of the aforementioned conditions, to possibly refuse to grant the Prize to the Participant in the Contest on this basis.
Employees, members of the authorities and representatives of the Organizer and other entities directly involved in the preparation and conduct of the Contest, as well as persons permanently cooperating with the above-mentioned entities on a basis other than an employment relationship, as well as members of their immediate families, i.e. ascendants, descendants, siblings, spouses, parents of spouses and persons in an adoption relationship with them, cannot participate in the Contest.
The condition to participate in the Contest is acceptance of the content of these Regulations and willingness to participate in the Contest by making a contest entry in the form of completing any of the Contest Tasks along with meeting the requirements of the Regulations, as indicated in § 4 below.
A Participant entering the Contest in accordance with the preceding paragraphs is obliged to familiarize himself with the provisions of the Regulations. Entering the Contest implies acceptance of the terms of these Regulations.
Participation in the Contest is completely voluntary and free of charge.
Participation in the Contest and the related sharing of personal data is entirely voluntary, based on the Participant's consent - in accordance with § 9 point 2 a of these Regulations.
In the event of winning the Prize referred to in § 5 below, the Participant agrees to publish his/her name and surname or nickname, used in the Social Media, as part of the post/announcement created by the Organizer regarding the end of the Contest and the selection of the Winners on the Organizer's profiles in the Social Media.
§ 3
Duration of the Contest
The Contest runs from August 7th, 2024 at 5:00 pm CEST to August 21st, 2024 at 12:00 pm CEST.
The Contest will be resolved within 24 hours after the end of the Contest, and the Winners will be announced until August 22nd, 2024. The Winners of the Contest will be notified of his/her win on that date by posting the winning publication in Social Media - in the Telegram application, containing the nicknames of the Winners.
The Prizes will be awarded to the Winners by adding them to the Wallet Address indicated in accordance with Paragraph 4 point 3 of the Regulations within 30 days from the date of the launch of the ZND Token (hereinafter: "Token Generation Event"), which is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2024. The Organizer will inform Participants publicly in advance of the specific date of the Token Generation Event through official communication channels, including those belonging to the Organizer.
§ 4
Rules of the Contest
The contest task consists of the Participant performing the following tasks:
joining the Telegram community on the channel: @ZND_Official https://t.me/ZND_Official;
following the profile of "ZND" on the platform "X" (Twitter): https://twitter.com/ZND_co;
liking the pinned post published in connection with the Contest on the platform "X" (Twitter);
sharing the pinned post published in connection with the Contest on the "X" (Twitter) platform;
tagging at least 3 (three) people in the pinned post published in connection with the Contest on the "X" (Twitter) platform;
successful referral of another person to the Telegram community on the @ZND_Official channel https://t.me/ZND_Official, using a uniquely generated referral link on this platform - i.e., resulting in the joining of such person, to whom the referral was sent, to the aforementioned @ZND_Official channel;
(hereinafter collectively: “Contest Task”).
For each of the Contest Tasks specified in § 4 point 1, the Participant will receive a certain number of points (hereinafter: "Points"), using the following rules:
for the execution of the Contest Task in the scope of § 4 point 1, a and b - 100 Points each;
for completion of the Contest Task in terms of § 4 point 1, c, d and e - 25 Points each;
for completing the Contest Task in terms of § 4 point 1, letter f - 25 Points - the Contest Task in this part may be repeated by the Participant an unlimited number of times.
At the end of the Contest, the Points of each Participant will be summed and ranked in ascending order, and on this basis the Winners will be selected and the appropriate places will be assigned to them in accordance with § 5 point 1 of the Regulations.
At the same time, each Participant during the Contest is required to provide his/her erc-20 wallet address (hereinafter: “Wallet Address”), which should be entered within the specially created for this purpose contest bot, available on Social Media - on the Telegram platform on the @ZND_Official channel https://t.me/ZND_Official. The Organizer stipulates that to the Wallet Address indicated by the Participant in accordance with this point, the Prize will be awarded to the Participant, provided that the Participant becomes the Winner of the Contest.
The proper completion of the Contest Task is considered to be the completion of at least all of the Contest Tasks described in terms of § 4 point 1, a - e of the Regulations, in accordance with the rules provided in this paragraph, including, most importantly, the provision of a Wallet Address in accordance with point 3 above, and the fulfillment of all the Contest requirements indicated in § 2.
The Contest has an open nature.
The Contest Task may be performed during the Contest, at the time indicated in § 3 point 1 of the Regulations, but only until the time of its official end. Completion of the Contest Task after the time mentioned above will not be taken into account by the Organizer.
At the end of the Contest, 1000 (one thousand) Participants who have completed the Contest Task specified in § 4 point 1 of the Regulations resulting in receiving the highest number of Points (hereinafter: "Winner") will receive a prize in the corresponding portion, in accordance with § 5 of the Regulations (hereinafter: "Prize").
In selecting the Winners, the Contest Commission shall decide at the same time whether to award a given Prize in the Contest to a given Winner, following the criteria described in the Regulations and verifying the Winner's fulfillment of the conditions set forth in the Regulations. Failure to meet these conditions may result in the exclusion of such Participant from the Contest and the selection as the Contest Winner of another Participant meeting the requirements set forth in these Regulations, until the pool of Prize is exhausted, and may also decide to forfeit the Prize to the Organizer (in the absence of Participants meeting the conditions for awarding the Prize).
The Winners of the Contest will be announced by posting the winning publication in Social Media - in the Telegram application, containing the nicknames of the Winners. During the announcement of the results, the Organizer will ask the Winners to contact the Organizer in a private message on the Social Media where the announcement of the Contest results was published. Once the contact is made, the Organizer will provide further instructions to determine the conditions for the transfer of the awarded Prize, as referred to in § 5 of the Regulations, and to verify the Participant's fulfillment of the other requirements of the Contest, including, in particular, having a verified customer/user account on the Platforms.
The Winner is obliged to contact the Organizer immediately in a private message on the profile on Social Media on which the announcement of the results of the Contest was posted, no later than 72 hours after the announcement of the results of the Contest, under pain of complete forfeiture of the right to the Prize. Failure to contact the Organizer within this period will be tantamount to the possibility of selecting another Winner, while this is reserved as a right and not an obligation of the Organizer.
The Organizer reserves the right to exclude from participation in the Contest or deprive of the right to the Prize Participants whose activities violate the law, morality or the Regulations, in particular Participants who do not act personally, but through third parties, and use different accounts on the Platforms or Social Media to act on behalf of the same Participant.
In order to clarify any doubts related to the Participant's activity in the Contest, the Organizer may contact the Participant through the means of communication provided by the Participant. During such contact, the Organizer may expect the Participant to provide detailed information regarding his/her participation in the Contest.
Once the Organizer has ascertained the information regarding the Contest Winners and positively verifies them in terms of meeting the Contest requirements, the Prize will be transferred to them, at the time and according to the rules indicated in § 3 point 3 and § 5 of these Regulations.
At the same time, the Organizer informs that this Contest constitutes the first of the two parts of the collective game run by the Organizer. The Points earned by each Participant in the Contest, in the event that such Participant wishes to participate in the second part of the collective game (which is scheduled to begin on August 21st, 2024), will be automatically assigned to them for the said second part of the collective game with multiplication by the number 5 (five). The Organizer will inform about all details of the second part of the collective game on its websites and communication channels.
§ 5
The prize in the Contest is the equivalent of EUR 10,000.00 (in words: ten thousand euros 00/100) in ZND Tokens (see § 6 point 5 of the Regulations). The Prize will be distributed to the Winners according to their place, which depends on the number of Points earned during the Contest (guided by the principle: 1st Place - the highest number of Points, and so on):
1st Place - ZND Tokens worth 40 (forty) euros;
2nd - 9th Place: each - ZND Tokens worth 30 (thirty) euros;
10 - 100 Place: each - ZND Tokens worth 20 (twenty) euros;
101 - 200 Place: each - ZND Tokens worth 15 (fifteen) euros;
201 - 680 Place: each - ZND Tokens worth 10 (ten) euros;
681 - 1000 Place: each - ZND Tokens worth 5 (five) euros;
At the same time, the Organizer stipulates that if fewer than 1,000 Participants enter the Contest, the awarded Prize pool may be distributed proportionally based on the Points earned, while this is reserved as a right and not an obligation of the Organizer.
The Organizer stipulates that the number of Prizes may be changed in favor of the Winners (by awarding additional prizes).
Each Winner of the Contest is entitled to only one Prize in the corresponding proportion (according to point 1 above).
The Prizes indicated in § 5 point 1, will be issued to the Winners on the dates resulting from § 3 point 3 above, by adding them to the Wallet Address indicated in accordance with § 4 point 3 of the Regulations.
The Winner shall be obliged to send, within three (3) business days after direct contact with the Organizer, all contact information necessary to transfer the Prize to him/her. If the above information obligation is not fulfilled within the timeframe indicated above, the Winner forfeits the right to the Prize. In such a case, the Organizer reserves the right to award the Prize to another Participant, selected by the Contest Commission.
The Winner will also be obliged to provide the Organizer in a private message with all data, required by the Organizer, necessary to establish ownership of the accounts on the Platforms, in accordance with § 2 of these Regulations, in order to properly assign the Prize to the Winner, as well as other data necessary to establish the Winner's proper participation in the Contest.
In the event that the above information obligations are not fulfilled within the time specified by the Organizer, the Winner shall forfeit the right to the Prize. In such a case, the Organizer reserves the right to award the Prize to another Participant, selected by the Contest Commission.
It is not possible to transfer the right to the Prize to third parties. It is not possible to pay the equivalent of the Prize.
It is possible to resign from the Prize. In the event that the Winner resigns from the Prize, the Organizer reserves the right to award the Prize to the next Participant selected by the Contest Commission.
§ 6
Liability of the Organizer
The Organizer is not responsible for the inability to transfer the Prize to the Winner and the realization of the Prize for reasons beyond the Organizer's control, including in connection with providing incorrect contact information, as well as in connection with force majeure events. In such a case, the Winner will be informed of the aforementioned circumstances in a private message or will be asked to contact the Organizer.
The Organizer is not responsible for any fortuitous events that prevent Participants from taking part in the Contest.
The Organizer is not responsible for the inability of the Participants to achieve the expected results of making transactions on the Platforms for reasons attributable to the Participants.
The Organizer does not provide any advice, recommendations, analysis or suggestions regarding investing on the Platforms. The Organizer is not the Participant's broker, intermediary, agent or advisor, and has no fiduciary relationship or obligation to the Participant in connection with the Participant's entry into the Contest or other activities performed by the Participant on the Platforms in this regard. The Organizer does not recommend buying, selling or owning any cryptocurrency, as well as informs that investing in cryptocurrencies involves a high degree of risk. There is a risk of losing invested funds due to changes in cryptocurrency exchange rates.
Any Contest - related crypto-asset marketing communication has not been reviewed or approved by any competent authority in any member state of the European Union. The offeror of the crypto-asset is solely responsible for the content of the crypto-asset marketing communication. The crypto-asset in the form of the ZND Token is offered by BB Trade Estonia OÜ with its registered office in Tallinn (Estonia), the operator of the zondacrypto exchange available at https://zondacrypto.com/en/home. Contact with the crypto-asset offeror is possible at the following phone number: +48 799 399 290 or e-mail address: [email protected]. A whitepaper on the ZND Token has been published at http://assets.znd.co/token/en/whitepaper.
§ 7
Contest Commission
The proper conduct of the Contest will be supervised by a Commission appointed by the Organizer, consisting of two persons selected by the Organizer (hereinafter: “Contest Commission” or “Commission”).
The tasks of the Commission referred to in the preceding paragraph include, in particular:
checking whether a given Participant meets all the conditions for participation in the Contest;
determination of the Winners of the Contest;
processing of Participant's complaints, in accordance with § 8 of the Regulations.
§ 8
Complaints related to participation in the Contest and the Contest process, the Participant may submit electronically through the form available at: https://zondacrypto.com/en/helpdesk/contact-page.
Complaints should be submitted immediately after the occurrence of an event that raises concerns of the Participant attending in the Contest, but no later than within 7 days from the end of the Contest (for complaints sent by registered mail, the postmark date is decisive).
The complaint should contain all the information specified in the Terms and Conditions of Service found on the zondacrypto platform, available at https://zondacrypto.com/en/legal/zondacrypto-exchange/terms-and-conditions-of-service.
The complaint procedure is carried out in accordance with the procedure contained in the regulations indicated in point 3 of this paragraph.
Complaints will be considered by the Commission in accordance with § 7 of the Regulations.
§ 9
Personal Data
The controller of the personal data is BB Trade Estonia OÜ with its registered office in Harju maakond, Tallinn, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Tähesaju tee 9, 1391 Estonia (office number 10), a company under Estonian law, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs under the number: 14814864 (hereinafter: "Data Controller").
The Data Controller processes personal data of Participants and Winners of the Contest on the basis of:
consent within the meaning of Article 6(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: "GDPR");
fulfillment of a legal obligation incumbent on the Data Controller within the meaning of Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR to fulfill the obligation to keep accounting documents;
legitimate interest of the Data Controller pursuant to Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR, consisting in particular in responding to possible complaints, claims made as a result of this Contest.
All data obtained by the Organizer on the Contest Participants and Winners will be deleted or anonymized within 60 days, counting from the date of the end of the Contest or the dispatch of the Prize to the Contest Winners.
The data of Participants and Winners of the Contest will be deleted or anonymized in accordance with the preceding paragraph - with the exception of data that will be necessary to comply with legal obligations incumbent on the Data Controller and for the purpose of fulfilling the Data Controller's legitimate interest - necessary to process complaints or other form of claims submitted by Participants or Winners of the Contest or other persons, as well as for the purpose of possible judicial or administrative proceedings.
The data is protected by technical and organizational measures to ensure an adequate level of protection, in accordance with applicable regulations.
The Data Controller processes only the personal data provided in terms of the Contest. Personal data are not subject to automated decision-making for the purposes of the Contest.
For the purposes of the Contest, personal data will be shared with companies affiliated with the Data Controller, i.e. - Orion Software sp. z o. o. and Expofer Servis House s. r. o. and the operator of the ZND.co platform (ZND.CO OÜ).
Participants in the Contest have the right to:
The right to request from the Data Controller access to, rectification, erasure or restriction of processing of personal data concerning the data subject, and the right to object to processing, as well as the right to data portability;
file a complaint with the supervisory authority - Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate, 39 Tatari, 10134 Tallinn, Estonia, if the Participant believes that his/her personal data is being processed unlawfully.
All requests, questions and demands related to data processing should be addressed to the Data Protection Officer designated by the Data Controller: [email protected].
§ 10
Final provisions
These Regulations are the only document setting out the detailed rules of the Contest.
The Regulations are available for the duration of the Contest on the Organizer's website and at the Organizer's headquarters.
All information about the Contest can be obtained by contacting the Organizer at e-mail address: [email protected].
The Regulations as amended are effective as of 7th of August, 2024.