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Il tasso di cambio del Bitcoin e delle altre criptovalute dipende da molti fattori. In larga misura, è legato al meccanismo di domanda e offerta, che è ulteriormente influenzato dal numero limitato di Bitcoin che possono essere "estratto". Inoltre, il prezzo fluttua con le informazioni sulle politiche governative verso le criptovalute, il supporto di progetti cripto da parte di grandi aziende come Microsoft, o il crescente livello di accettazione delle criptovalute (ad es. Bitcoin) come mezzo di pagamento.
Il Bitcoin, o BTC in breve, è una moneta digitale lanciata nel 2009 da un creatore anonimo che si nasconde sotto lo pseudonimo di Satoshi Nakamoto..
Bitcoin è la prima criptovaluta, e rappresenta il pioniere che ha cambiato il mercato per sempre. È la moneta più affidabile e popolare del suo genere sul mercato, con la maggiore capitalizzazione. Viene spesso indicata come il sostituto digitale dell'oro e la valuta del futuro.
Ether sta diventando per il Bitcoin ciò che Netflix è per il cinema. Il "bisnonno" di tutte le altcoin è diventato un successo globale grazie al valore reale offerto dalla piattaforma Ethereum e al tasso di cambio ETH/USD in costante aumento. Descritto come il più grande concorrente di BTC e il più probabile canale di flippening nel mercato delle criptovalute, è al secondo posto in termini di capitalizzazione di mercato nella classifica coinmarketcap, e si avvicina al Bitcoin ogni anno che passa.
Cardano mira ad essere la piattaforma blockchain più ecologica. Utilizza un unico meccanismo di consenso proof-of-stake chiamato Ouroboros, in contrapposizione al sistema proof-of-work ad alto assorbimento energetico attualmente utilizzato da Bitcoin ed Ethereum (anche Ethereum sta passando ad un sistema proof-of-stake tramite l'aggiornamento ETH2).
Ripple è una società privata che mira a creare una rete globale di istituzioni finanziarie e banche. Lo fa utilizzando il software blockchain RippleNet per ridurre il costo dei pagamenti internazionali. Ripple chiama questa rete globale "Internet of Value".
Polkadot è un progetto blockchain finalizzato a risolvere il problema basato sulle incoerenze di comunicazione tra diverse catene. Il modo in cui le blockchain funzionano limita la possibilità di interferenze esterne. Ciò fornisce un alto livello di sicurezza ma, d’altro canto, rende molto difficile la comunicazione tra le diverse blockchain.
Dogecoin (DOGE) è stata creata per scherzo come alternativa alle criptovalute tradizionali, ma ha rapidamente raccolto e mantenuto una grande comunità online di cripto-entusiasti intorno a sé. Il nome e il logo con il cane di razza Shiba Inu sono basati su un meme di Internet.
0x (ZRX) is an open protocol that enables the exchange of peer-to-peer resources on the Ethereum blockchain and is used to power decentralized exchanges (DEX). This procedure allows tokens to be sent outside the main chain, which significantly relieves the network and reduces fees. The decentralization of the project allows anyone to set up a node and participate in ensuring the security and stability of the network.
Aave is a decentralized liquidity market protocol in which users can participate as depositors or borrowers. Depositors provide the market with liquidity to obtain passive income, while borrowers can borrow with over-collateral (perpetual) or low-collateralisation.
Algorand is a decentralized blockchain technology network, with its native currency being known as ALGO.
ALG is a utility token created in the ERC20 standard. The utility is used inside the Algory.io platform, offering tools for active crypto investors in the form of a cryptocurrency scanner and an aggregator of news from the world of cryptocurrencies.
AMLT is an Ethereum-based token made by Coinfirm. Members of the AMLT network are able to report fraudulent cryptocurrency addresses, for which they are rewarded with AMLT tokens. Coinfirm’s goal with AMLT is to provide security and transparency measures to the cryptosphere.
Atari Token è una criptovaluta decentralizzata che è stata creata per divenire il token di riferimento per l'industria dell'intrattenimento interattivo.
Augur is a decentralized predictive marketplace platform that uses the Ethereum network. In the Predictive Marketplace, you can bet on the outcomes of future events to receive cash prizes. The lower the likelihood of an event occurring, the more reward you can earn by predicting its success.
Avalanche (AVAX) describes itself as an open, programmable smart contract platform for
decentralized applications focused on transaction speed, low cost and environmental friendliness.
Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based game that combines NFTs, crypto payments, and a digital marketplace, all in one. Players can engage in Axie Infinity by creating a team of Axies, which are fictional creatures that battle each other across a wide variety of arenas and landscapes. Each Axie is an NFT, and user get to evolve their Axies and upgrade them throughout battles. Also, the in-game marketplace allows players to buy, sell, and trade Axie NFTs with the project’s AXS and Smooth Love Potion (SLP) crypto tokens. The project uses the Ronin Network, an Ethereum side chain to process transactions and power the Axie Infinity ecosystem.
Basic Attention Token - BAT is an Ethereum based token and is a replacement unit in the new block-based digital advertising platform which is directly connected to the Brave browser.
BCC is a digital currency created after the hard fork of the Bitcoin chain. It was started by bitcoin miners and developers who are equally concerned about the future of cryptocurrency and its ability to scale effectively. However, these people had reservations about the adoption of the SegWit2x technology on which BCC was based. The main caveat was that it did not significantly address the fundamental problem of scalability, nor did it follow the plan initially outlined by Satoshi Nakamoto - the anonymous person or group of people who first proposed the blockchain technology that underpins all cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin Gold was an open source Bitcoin hard fork that took place on October 24, 2017. While hard- forking occurs for a number of reasons, the stated purpose of Bitcoin Gold was to re-decentralize bitcoin. Bitcoin Gold was one of the largest and most discussed bitcoin forks.
Blockchain Poland - BCP is an ERC20 token issued by Blockchain Poland. The BCP platform acts as a business incubator, thanks to which Polish projects and start-ups related to blockchain technology receive the opportunity for development and financing. BCP token holders are entitled to a dividend from the platform's profit, paid each year. 60% of BCP's stock is not subject to sale - it acts as a collateral for the payment of dividends.
Chainlink è una criptovaluta che mira a incoraggiare una rete globale di computer per fornire dati affidabili e reali ai contratti intelligenti in esecuzione su blockchain. Il problema è che la maggior parte dei contratti intelligenti necessita di fare affidamento su qualche fonte di dati esterna per l’esecuzione corretta dei termini. Per esempio, i contratti intelligenti che cercano di replicare obbligazioni o contratti assicurativi possono avere bisogno di accedere alle API che riportano i prezzi di mercato o i dati dell'Internet of things.
Chiliz è un noto e apprezzato fornitore di tecnologia blockchain focalizzata sullo sport e l'intrattenimento in generale, nonché il creatore di una piattaforma progettata per gli appassionati di sport - Socios.com.
Compound Governance Token (COMP) è un token di governance nel protocollo di prestito Compound Finance basato su contratti intelligenti in rete. Ethereum permette il prestito di criptovalute con il deposito preliminare di criptovalute come garanzia finanziaria. Il protocollo è decentralizzato, il che significa che stabilisce automaticamente i tassi di interesse per i singoli beni in base alla legge della domanda e dell'offerta.
Cosmos is an ever-expanding ecosystem of interconnected apps and services, built for a decentralized future. Cosmos apps and services connect using IBC, the Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol, an emergent topology of sovereign, interoperable communities on the frontier of the Community Computer revolution.
DAI is the first decentralized secured cryptocurrency trying to keep a stable 1: 1 against the US dollar by locking other crypto assets into contracts.
Dash is an instant and semi-private cryptocurrency based on the Bitcoin and Litecoin code. However, it does contain various changes and improvements that have made DASH stand out since its debut in 2014. The creator of the project, Evan Duffield, built the Dash to solve three key issues he noticed with the existing Bitcoin network: privacy, management, and transaction speed.
Decentraland è un software progettato per incoraggiare una rete globale di utenti a gestire un mondo virtuale condiviso con strumenti e supporto forniti dalla comunità.
Enjin coin (ENJ) is a utility token based on the Ethereum network, the purpose of which is to make it easier for individuals, companies and brands to use non-exchangeable tokens (NFT). ENJ is used to directly secure the NFT values created in the ecosystem of the Singapore social platform for Enjin players.
EOSIO is a blockchain designed to facilitate the operation of a special type of program called a decentralized application (Dapp).
EthereumPOW (ETHW) is a fork of the original Ethereum blockchain, created by miners who wished to continue operating a proof-of-work (PoW) version of Ethereum after it merged to proof-of-stake (PoS) on September 15, 2022.
Experty's mission is to build knowledge pools that strengthen global growth by democratizing global knowledge and information exchange. The project uses decentralization and a distributed approach to create new fair opportunities for everyone with the Wisdom Pool feature, a way to send messages to multiple professionals at once and get responses within 24 hours.
Fantom is an efficient, scalable and secure platform for smart contracts. It was designed to overcome the limitations of previous generation blockchain platforms.
Barcelona Football Club, often referred to as just Barcelona or colloquially as Barça, was formed on 29 November 1899 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. The club competes in La Liga, the top professional football division in Spain.
Fetch Network provides all the necessary tools for builders to develop, deploy and monetize their applications and platforms. As an autonomous machine-to-machine ecosystem, Fetch.ai’s agents work as a network of independent parties and interact with each other directly via the blockchain network. The FET token is the primary medium of exchange within the Fetch.ai ecosystem and is used to pay for services provided by Fetch.ai.
Flare is a blockchain that provides developers with a simple, coherent programming stack for decentralized interoperability.
Formation.Fi is a Polish tech startup that aims to bring cross-chain risk parity yield farming to the cryptocurrency sector.
Game Credits (GAME) è una criptovaluta usata nell'industria del gioco online. Usando GAME, puoi facilmente comprare oggetti virtuali in-game e inoltre, grazie al potere della tecnologia blockchain, puoi avere la piena proprietà su tutti i tuoi oggetti e puoi venderli sul mercato secondario ad altri giocatori o collezionisti.
The GNY protocol is used to develop predictive machine-learning tools for the crypto trading community, drive token utility through GNY products and services, and maximize liquidity and incentives for token holders to trade.
Golem is a worldwide, decentralized supercomputer that combines the computing power of each machine on its network. Such a machine would reduce the costs of research, analysis of large amounts of data or rendering - in a word, processes that would require enormous expenditure of energy, time and resources.
Juventus Fan Token ti dà il potere di aiutare la Juventus a prendere le decisioni giuste, accedere a esperienze VIP, guadagnare prodotti ufficiali e altro ancora.
Kusama is an experimental development environment with a very similar codebase to Polkadot. It’s built on Substrate with extensive interoperability and scalability features, making it possible to push the limits of rapid blockchain app deployment.
Kyber Network operates the KyberSwap platform, which is a versatile DeFi protocol that has a decentralized exchange and various additional features such as cross-chain swaps, liquidity pools, and crypto staking. The platform sources liquidity from numerous high-profile liquidity providers and provides services in a permissionless, decentralized manner that doesn’t require users to create login credentials and passwords. The KNC token serves as the utility token of the platform and it’s also used for platform governance on KyberDAO.
I titolari del token Legia Warsaw Fan Token avranno accesso a un'ampia gamma di vantaggi, tra cui il diritto di votare in più decisioni del club ogni stagione, premi ed esperienze VIP, promozioni esclusive per club e sponsor, giochi, competizioni e riconoscimenti "super-fan".
Lisk is a decentralized computing platform based on blockchain. It was founded in early May 2016 by Max Kordek and Oliver Beddows as a fork of Crypti, a JavaScript-based platform for developing decentralized applications (dApps).
Litecoin è una criptovaluta fondata nel 2011, due anni dopo il bitcoin, da Charlie Lee - ex ingegnere di Google. In base alla capitalizzazione di mercato, Litecoin è la nona maggiore criptovaluta. Inizialmente, rappresentava una forte concorrenza per il bitcoin. Tuttavia, poiché il mercato delle criptovalute è diventato più saturo di nuove offerte negli ultimi anni, la popolarità del Litecoin è diminuita.
Livepeer is a decentralized video infrastructure network that believes in open-source code and creative contributions from people with diverse interests and skillsets. Livepeer is a protocol for developers who want to add live or on-demand video to their project. It aims to increase the reliability of video streaming while reducing costs associated with it by up to 50x. To achieve this Livepeer is building p2p infrastructure that interacts through a marketplace secured by the Ethereum blockchain.
Maker (MKR) is an ERC-20 token native to the Maker protocol, a decentralized financial project (DeFi) also known as the Multi-Collateral Dai (MCD) system as it allows users to use resources to generate Dai - a community managed decentralized cryptocurrency that tracks price USD.
Manchester City Football Club, often referred to as Man City, is an English football club based in Manchester, UK. Formed in 1880 as St Mark’s, the team changed the name to Manchester City in 1894 and now competes in the Premier League, England’s leading professional football division.
The Società Sportiva Calcio Napoli, often shortened to just Napoli, is an Italian football club founded in August 1926 and based in the city of Naples. Napoli competes in the Italian Serie A, the country’s leading professional football division, having won two Serie A titles, six Coppa Italia titles, two Supercoppa Italiana titles, and one UEFA Cup.
The core feature of Near Protocol is the NEAR Blockchain Operating System (BOS), a platform built on JavaScript. BOS developers can create and distribute innovative decentralized apps across multiple blockchains with source code that is available to anyone to inspect, fork, modify, and reuse. Users of BOS apps can access them without the need for any crypto and apps can be made available as an embedded blockchain experience on any browser.
Neufund is a social networking site that was established as a fundraising platform. Its name comes from the "new way of financing projects", which largely sums up the vision of the project.
Ocean Protocol aims to unlock data, for more equitable outcomes for users of data, using a thoughtful application of both technology and governance. The team and community is committed to kick-starting a New Data Economy that reaches every single person, company and device, giving power back to data owners and enabling people to capture value from data to better our world.
Fondata nel 2013, Omise è una società di servizi di pagamento sostenuta da venture capital attiva in Thailandia, Giappone, Singapore e Indonesia. OmiseGo, creata da quest’azienda, è una piattaforma di estensione gestita separatamente. È di proprietà degli utenti e dei possessori di token, non di Omise.
Paris Saint-Germain Football Club is a professional football team based in Paris, France. Often referenced just by the letters PSG, the club was founded in 1970 from a merger between Paris FC and Stade Saint-Germain. It competes in Ligue 1, the leading professional football division in France.
Pepe is one of the most popular memecoins today, alongside the likes of Dogecoin (DOGE), and Shiba Inu (SHIB). The project is based on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain, which means Pepe is an ERC-20 token. Pepe is a tribute to one of the earliest memes, the Pepe the frog meme from the early 2000s.
Polygon (MATIC) è un token basato sulla blockchain di ethereum che abilita la rete di scaling Polygon Network. Polygon mira a fornire transazioni più veloci e meno costose sulla rete ethereum utilizzando sidechains del layer 2, in esecuzione accanto alla catena principale di ethereum. Gli utenti della rete Polygon possono depositare token di ethereum in un contratto intelligente Polygon, interagire con loro all'interno di Polygon, per poi ritirarli nuovamente nella catena principale di ethereum.
Pundi X is a platform for the consumerization of cryptocurrencies via enabling their use at retail points of sale (POS) through a mobile application and contactless through a payment card.
Quant (QNT) tackles the problem of interoperability by creating one of the first blockchain operating systems. Built on the Overledger network, Quant aims to bridge various blockchain platforms, enabling seamless communication and data transfer between them. By leveraging QNT tokens, users gain access to a secure and scalable ecosystem that facilitates decentralized applications and enterprise adoption. With the help of Quant, developers can launch decentralized multichain applications (MApps).
Reef is a DeFi platform built on Polkadot that aims to provide and facilitate trade between different blockchains. It is aimed at both newbies and current DeFi users who find it difficult to keep up with the best investment strategies. The project also wants to deal with high network fees on the Ethereum blockchain, which, according to some users, makes DeFi protocols expensive and complicated to use.
The Render Network is designed to connect users looking to perform render jobs with people who have idle GPUs to process the renders. It provides access to powerful GPU rendering at a fraction of the cost and speed of in-house rendering.
SHIB is the main token of the Shiba Inu project and the foundational currency of the ShibaSwap decentralized exchange. The project runs a rescue program for Shiba Inu dogs and has been known to donate to charity projects.
Solana is a crypto computing platform that aims to achieve high transaction speeds without sacrificing decentralization. It employs a bundle of novel approaches, including the “proof of history” mechanism.
Lumen - XLM è la valuta digitale della rete Stellar. Stellar è un protocollo di pagamento che collega banche, operatori di pagamento e individui. La piattaforma Stellar permette il trasferimento istantaneo di denaro a basso costo, indipendentemente dalla conversione di valuta e dalla posizione, in un modo che è stato tradizionalmente il dominio dei fornitori di servizi di pagamento. La differenza è che Stellar abilita questi servizi incoraggiando una rete distribuita di computer per eseguire un software comune.
SushiSwap è una delle sempre più numerose piattaforme di finanza decentralizzata (DeFi) su cui gli utenti possono comprare e vendere criptovalute. Per ottenere quest’obiettivo, SushiSwap utilizza una serie di pool di liquidità: gli utenti bloccano i beni in contratti intelligenti, e poi i commercianti comprano e vendono criptovalute da questi pool, scambiando un token per un altro.
Forse ti sei reso/a conto di avere accumulato una certa quantità di tutti i tipi di token, monete o criptovalute, ma di non avere molti posti per spenderli, quindi le tue opzioni sono piuttosto limitate - TenX è la soluzione che può aiutarti. Si tratta di un portafoglio digitale e di una carta fisica che puoi usare per spendere criptovalute in qualsiasi negozio - anche dove non accettano criptovalute
Terra is a blockchain protocol that uses stable fiat currencies to power global payment systems. Terra maintains a 1:1 ratio through an algorithm that automatically adjusts the supply of stablecoins based on demand. Terra combines price stability and wide acceptance of fiat currencies, and offers fast and inexpensive payment settlements.
USD Coin - USDC is a digital currency created in cooperation with three organizations: Center, Circle and Coinbase. This is called Stablecoin, i.e. a cryptocurrency designed to minimize fluctuations in value, and thus the convenience of use in everyday life. The USDC unit represents the value of one US dollar (USD) and is permanently tied to it.
Tezos allows anyone who owns its XTZ cryptocurrency to vote on possible changes to its rules, and once a decision is made, the software would automatically update itself to ensure the changes take place.
Graph is an indexing protocol and global API for organizing data in a blockchain and providing easy access with GraphQL. Developers can use Graph Explorer to search, find, and publish all public data needed to build decentralized applications. Graph Network enables the creation of serverless dApps applications that run entirely on a public infrastructure.
TRON è un protocollo decentralizzato basato sulla tecnologia blockchain che ambisce a costruire un sistema mondiale di intrattenimento gratuito con memoria di massa distribuita. Il protocollo non sarà soggetto alla censura né all'influenza degli editori. Tron offre agli utenti la possibilità di pubblicare, archiviare e possedere contenuti.
Uniswap è una borsa di criptovalute decentralizzata (nota come DEX) che consente il trading di vari token basati su ERC-20. Grazie alla decentralizzazione, è una borsa più flessibile, che si differenzia da quelle tradizionali in quanto non memorizza i fondi degli utenti, e i clienti non devono fornire i loro dati e passare attraverso una procedura di verifica (nota come KYC) né creare un account.
USD Coin - USDC is a digital currency created in cooperation with three organizations: Center, Circle and Coinbase. This is called Stablecoin, i.e. a cryptocurrency designed to minimize fluctuations in value, and thus the convenience of use in everyday life. The USDC unit represents the value of one US dollar (USD) and is permanently tied to it.
World ID, is a global identity network that enables users to verify their humanness online through the Proof of Personhood blockchain protocol. Users can do this with the help of the World App and real-world Orb operator points that scan the user’s iris and connect the scanned data to their unique online World ID profile.
Zcash is a publicly encrypted blockchain that uses so-called: zero-knowledge cryptography known as zk- SNARKS. This framework allows the user to use two addresses: one fully private and one transparent (similar to Bitcoin). Two configurable modes, shielded and transparent, allow the transaction to be completely anonymous or publicly displayed.
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