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How can we help you?
zondacrypto service enables to download a full account’s history into .pdf and .csv files.
in order to export the data, you have to click on 'History' tab, which is located on the left side of the exchange panel.
Following tabs can be found there:
Each tab can be filtered by chosen currencies and operations time.
After choosing a specific tab, ’Download’ option should be chosen, into the right (.pdf/ .csv) file.
The next thing that appears is files within time frames they were processed in. An exception to this is ’Custom’ time frame, where users choose their own time frame ,to be exported. After confirming this step, a file ,in the chosen form, is sent to an e-mail address, assigned to users zondacrypto account.
Warning! Each of the files can only be generated to max. 3 months. If you want to generate a whole year history, generate 4 files.