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Does zondacrypto issue invoices for transaction commissions?
No, zondacrypto does not issue invoices for commissions of exchange transactions.
To download a detailed summary of the commissions collected by zondacrypto, go to the "History" tab, then use "Type" filter and select "Fees". Files can be downloaded in .pdf or .csv format
zondacrypto uses the VAT exemption based on individual interpretation based on Art. 43 par. 1 point 7 of the VAT Act. According to this legal basis, the resignation from issuing invoices for commissions is Art. 106b. 2. The Tax on Goods and Services Act, as follows: "A taxpayer is not obliged to issue an invoice with regard to exempt sales pursuant to Article 43 (1), Article 113 (1) and (9) or regulations issued on the basis of Article 82, paragraph 3.