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How can we help you?
Some cryptocurrencies like Stellar, Terra, EOS or Ripple require a Memo ID (also often called "payment ID") to be deposited correctly on zondacrypto.
What is Memo ID?
It's your unique account deposit ID for XLM deposits. It's necessary to account your Lumens deposit correctly. Without Memo ID we are unable to identify a recipient of deposit.
What happens when you forget to use Memo ID?
If you deposit XLM, LUNA2, LUNC, EOS or XRP without it, cryptocurrencies end up on the main wallet address, which makes it impossible to account them on your wallet automatically; this leads to severe difficulties in retrieving funds.
You can check the detailed description of the procedure recovery wrongly sent funds in our Regulations for the Recovery of Digital Assets.
Always remember to use your Memo ID for your cryptocurrencies be accounted duly on your account.