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How can we help you?
In this case, it is necessary to create a request via our contact form: https://zondacrypto.com/en/helpdesk/contact-page
The content of the ticket should include:
- the date of the withdrawal request,
- the amount of the withdrawal,
- phone number to which the withdrawal was ordered.
Then the case will be transferred to the service provider for refund. The provider is going to check your complaint after the codes are expired (codes are valid for 48 hours). Complaints are considered within a couple of business days, however, we have to state that due to the provider's Terms of Use, the provider has 60 days to consider your complaint. As soon as we receive a response from the provider, we will contact you via e-mail.
In the meantime, please try to complete withdrawals in a different Euronet's ATM machine if possible.