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How can we help you?
Remember! You can withdraw funds via bank transfer only to the account from which you have already made a deposit!
If you do not make a deposit yet in order to verify your bank account, please deposit minimum 10 PLN / 5 EUR /5 GBP directly from a bank account which you are the owner. After crediting funds, you will be able to withdraw money via bank transfer.
To make a withdrawal in EUR, GBP or PLN, go to the "Wallets" tab in the menu on the left. Then select the currency in which you want to make a withdrawal. Now select the form of payment via bank transfer.
To withdraw money via bank transfer select "Bank transfer", enter the amount, account number and both first and last name.
PLN withdrawal:
- The PLN withdrawal can be sent only to a Polish bank account in PLN currency.
EUR withdrawal:
We process only the SEPA wire bank withdrawals, which means that:
- the recipient must own an account in the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), including the European Union. Check the list of countries here,
- the recipient's bank account number must be provided in the IBAN format,
- the transfer will be executed as a regular wire bank transfer,
- if the SEPA transfer is sent to a bank account which currency is other than EURO, the bank will convert currency at the bank exchange rate.
GBP withdrawal:
- We make payments in FPS format. Read more here.